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AngularJS - ng-bind not updating

I have a controller which has a function to get some alerts from an API and update a count on the front-end of my site which is bound to the alert.

Unfortunately the ng-bind attribute I'm using doesn't seem to be updating the count live, even though a simple console.log() is telling me that the actual alert count is being updated in the controller.


<div class="modeSelector modeSelector_oneUp" data-ng-controller="MyLivestockController as vm">
    <a class="modeSelector-mode" data-ui-sref="my-livestock">
        <div class="modeSelector-type">Alerts</div>

        <img class="modeSelector-icon" src="/inc/img/_icons/envelope-black.svg" onerror="this.src=envelope-black.png" />

        <span data-ng-bind="vm.alertCount"></span>


(function() {

  'use strict';

  function MyLivestockController(userService) {

    var vm = this;

    vm.myLivestockNotification = {
      isLoading: true,
      hasError: false

    vm.alertsNotification = {
      isLoading: true,
      hasError: false,
      hasData: false

    vm.deleteAlert = function(id) {

      vm.currentAlert = void 0;
      vm.alertsNotification.isLoading = true;

      userService.deleteAlert(vm.user.id, id).then(function() {

        // Remove the alert from our Array
        vm.alerts = vm.alerts.filter(function(alert) {
          return alert.id !== id;

        // Refresh the alert count for the user

        vm.alertsNotification.isLoading = false;
        vm.alertsNotification.hasError = false;
      }, function() {
        vm.alertsNotification.hasError = true;

     vm.getAlerts = function(id) {
        userService.getAlerts(id).then(function(alertData) {
          vm.alertCount = alertData.length;

          if (vm.alertCount > 0) {
            vm.alertsNotification.hasData = true;
          } else {
            vm.alertsNotification.hasData = false;

          vm.alerts = alertData;

          vm.alertsNotification.isLoading = false;
          vm.alertsNotification.hasError = false;
        }, function() {
          vm.alertsNotification.hasError = true;

    // Init
    (function() {
      userService.getCurrentUser().then(function(data) {
        vm.myLivestockNotification.hasError = false;
        vm.myLivestockNotification.isLoading = false;

        vm.user = data;

        // Get alert count for the user
      }, function() {
        vm.myLivestockNotification.hasError = true;

    .controller('MyLivestockController', MyLivestockController);



(function() {

  'use strict';

  function userService($q, $sessionStorage, $localStorage, $filter, user) {

    var service = this;

    service.getAlerts = function(id) {
      var deferred = $q.defer();

      user.alerts({ userID: id }, function(response) {
        if (response.hasOwnProperty('data')) {

          // Convert dates to valid Date
          angular.forEach(response.data, function(alert) {
            /* jshint camelcase: false */
            if (alert.created_at) {
              alert.created_at = $filter('abpDate')(alert.created_at);
            /* jshint camelcase: true */

        else {
          deferred.reject('DATA ERROR');
      }, function(e) {

      return deferred.promise;

    .service('userService', userService);


As you can see, I've got my getAlerts() function being called every time an alert is deleted, using the deleteAlert() function, but the <span data-ng-bind="vm.alertCount"></span> on the front-end only updates after refreshing the page, where I'd like it to update live.

like image 839
Alex Ryans Avatar asked May 08 '15 08:05

Alex Ryans

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1 Answers

Your bind is not updating because you change the value of alertCount outside of digest cycle of your angular app. When you refresh your app, the digest runs and thus your value gets updated. Wrap the update of the variable in $scope.apply() like so:

    vm.alertCount = alertData.length;

This will force digest and update the value live.
If you have more values that are updated outside of digest (any callback, promise etc) you can force digest cycle by calling:


Hope it helps.

EDIT -----
Given your update with full code, I see that you are not injecting scope anywhere in your controller, the controllers I write usually start like that:

(function () {

var app = angular.module('mainModule');

app.controller('myController', ['$scope', '$myService', function ($scope, $myService) {


EDIT -----
Here is a quick go I had on your code:

(function() {
'use strict';

var app = angular.module('abp');

app.controller('MyLivestockController', ['$scope', 'userService', function($scope, userService) {

    var vm = {};
    $scope.vm = vm;

    vm.myLivestockNotification = {
        isLoading: true,
        hasError: false

    vm.alertsNotification = {
        isLoading: true,
        hasError: false,
        hasData: false

    vm.deleteAlert = function(id) {

        vm.currentAlert = void 0;
        vm.alertsNotification.isLoading = true;

        userService.deleteAlert(vm.user.id, id).then(function() {

            // Remove the alert from our Array
            vm.alerts = vm.alerts.filter(function(alert) {
                return alert.id !== id;

            // Refresh the alert count for the user

            vm.alertsNotification.isLoading = false;
            vm.alertsNotification.hasError = false;
        }, function() {
            vm.alertsNotification.hasError = true;

    vm.getAlerts = function(id) {
        userService.getAlerts(id).then(function(alertData) {
            vm.alertCount = alertData.length;

            if (vm.alertCount > 0) {
                vm.alertsNotification.hasData = true;
            } else {
                vm.alertsNotification.hasData = false;

            vm.alerts = alertData;

            vm.alertsNotification.isLoading = false;
            vm.alertsNotification.hasError = false;

            //important, this is promise so we have to apply the scope to update view
        }, function() {
            vm.alertsNotification.hasError = true;

    // Init
    (function() {
        userService.getCurrentUser().then(function(data) {
            vm.myLivestockNotification.hasError = false;
            vm.myLivestockNotification.isLoading = false;

            vm.user = data;

            // Get alert count for the user
        }, function() {
            vm.myLivestockNotification.hasError = true;


The general idea is:

  1. you create an app (angular.module)
  2. you create a controller in this app, with $scope injected
  3. any values you want to be updated on your view, you add to $scope
  4. if you have any $scope updates in a callback, event or promise, you wrap them in (or follow with) $scope.$apply call

I think this should work for you :)

like image 199
Daniel Gruszczyk Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10

Daniel Gruszczyk