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How to make n nested for loops recursively?


I have a method that must do the following:

for (int a01 = 1; a01 <= 25; a01++) {
    for (int a02 = a01 + 1; a02 <= 25; a02++) {
        for (int a03 = a02 + 1; a03 <= 25; a03++) {
            System.out.println(a01 + "," + a02 + "," + ... + "," + a015);

I'd like to specify the number of nested for's (in the case above, I want 15 nested for's). Is there a way to use recursive programming here?

like image 759
Rumpelstiltskin Avatar asked Oct 16 '13 14:10


People also ask

Can we use for loop in recursive?

This recursive function can be analogous to the loops. That is all those programs that are written using loops (may be the 'while' loop, or the 'do while' loop or the 'for' loop) can be successfully written using this concept of Recursive function.

Can you have nested for loops?

Nested Loops The placing of one loop inside the body of another loop is called nesting. When you "nest" two loops, the outer loop takes control of the number of complete repetitions of the inner loop. While all types of loops may be nested, the most commonly nested loops are for loops.

2 Answers

Yes. This can be performed by recursive programming.

I assume you do not like to WRITE DOWN these nested for's in source code - as in your example, because this is really ugly programming - like the commentors explain.

The following (pseudo Java-like) code illustrates it. I assume a fixed depth for the nesting. Then you actually like to loop over an integer vector of dimension depth.

int[] length = new int[depth];
int[] counters = new int[depth];

The array counters has to be initialised to 0 (Arrays.fill(counters,0)). The array length has to be initialised to the number of iterations for the respective for loop.

I assume that you like to perform a certain operation within the inner loop. I will call this performOperation(int[] counters); - it depends on the multi-dimensional counter, i.e. the counters of the outer for's.

Then you can run the nested for loops by calling

nestedLoopOperation(counters, length, 0);


void nestedLoopOperation(int[] counters, int[] length, int level) {
    if(level == counters.length) performOperation(counters);
    else {
        for (counters[level] = 0; counters[level] < length[level]; counters[level]++) {
            nestedLoopOperation(counters, length, level + 1);

In your case your System.out.println() would be

performOperation(int[] counters) {
    String counterAsString = "";
    for (int level = 0; level < counters.length; level++) {
        counterAsString = counterAsString + counters[level];
        if (level < counters.length - 1) counterAsString = counterAsString + ",";
like image 110
Christian Fries Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10

Christian Fries

I created this program to show all the different possible combination of cards (non repeating). It uses recursive for loops. Maybe it can help you.

//I'm lazy, so yeah, I made this import...
import static java.lang.System.out;

class ListCombinations {

    //Array containing the values of the cards
    static Symbol[] cardValues = Symbol.values();

    //Array to represent the positions of the cards,
    //they will hold different card values as the program executes
    static Symbol[] positions = new Symbol[cardValues.length];

    //A simple counter to show the number of combinations
    static int counter = 1;

    /*Names of cards to combine, add as many as you want, but be careful, we're
    talking about factorials here, so 4 cards = 24 different combinations (4! = 24),
    but 8 cards = 40320 combinations and 13 cards = 6.23 billion combinations!*/
    enum Symbol {
        AofSpades, TwoofSpades, ThreeofSpades, FourofSpades

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        //I send an argument of 0 because that is the first location which
        //we want to add value to. Every recursive call will then add +1 to the argument.

    static void combinations(int locNumber) {

        /* I use a recursive (repeating itself) method, since nesting for loops inside
        * each other looks nasty and also requires one to know how many cards we will
        * combine. I used 4 cards so we could nest 4 for loops one after another, but
        * as I said, that's nasty programming. And if you add more cards, you would
        * need to nest more for loops. Using a recursive method looks better, and gives
        * you the freedom to combine as many cards as you want without changing code. */

        //Recursive for loop nesting to iterate through all possible card combinations
        for(int valueNumber = 0; valueNumber < cardValues.length; valueNumber++) {
            positions[locNumber] = cardValues[valueNumber];
            if (locNumber < (cardValues.length-1)) {
                combinations(locNumber + 1);

            //This if statement grabs and displays card combinations in which no card value
            // is repeated in the current "positions" array. Since in a single deck,
            // there are no repeated cards. It also appends the combination count at the end.
            if (locNumber == (cardValues.length-1) && repeatedCards(positions)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < cardValues.length; i++) {
                out.print(" ");
                out.printf("%s", counter);

    static boolean repeatedCards(Symbol[] cards) {

        /*Method used to check if any cards are repeated in the current "positions" array*/

        boolean booleanValue = true;

        for(int i = 0; i < cardValues.length; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < cardValues.length; j++) {
                if(i != j && cards[i] == cards[j]) {
                    booleanValue = false;
        return booleanValue;
like image 36
Simon Vega- Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

Simon Vega-