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How to make json.dumps in Python ignore a non-serializable field

I am trying to serialize the output of parsing some binary data with the Construct2.9 library. I want to serialize the result to JSON.

packet is an instance of a Construct class Container.

Apparently it contains a hidden _io of type BytesIO - see output of dict(packet) below:

'packet_length': 76, 'uart_sent_time': 1, 'frame_number': 42958, 
'subframe_number': 0, 'checksum': 33157, '_io': <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7f81c3153728>, 
'platform':661058, 'sync': 506660481457717506, 'frame_margin': 20642,
'num_tlvs': 1, 'track_process_time': 593, 'chirp_margin': 78,
'timestamp': 2586231182, 'version': 16908293

Now, calling json.dumps(packet) obviously leads to a TypeError:


File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/__init__.py", line 237, in dumps
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/encoder.py", line 198, in encode
    chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/encoder.py", line 256, in iterencode
    return _iterencode(o, 0)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/encoder.py", line 179, in default
    raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
TypeError: <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7f81c3153728> is not JSON serializable

However what I am confused about, is that running json.dumps(packet, skipkeys=True) results in the exact same error, while I would expect it to skip the _io field. What is the problem here? Why is skipkeys not allowing me to skip the _io field?

I got the code to work by overriding JSONEncoder and returning None for fields of BytesIO type, but that means my serialized string contains loads of "_io": null elements, which I would prefer not to have at all...

like image 916
mz8i Avatar asked Aug 03 '18 13:08


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3 Answers

Keys with a leading _ underscore are not really 'hidden', they are just more strings to JSON. The Construct Container class is just a dictionary with ordering, the _io key is not anything special to that class.

You have two options:

  • implement a default hook that just returns a replacement value.
  • Filter out the key-value pairs that you know can't work before serialising.

and perhaps a third, but a casual scan of the Construct project pages doesn't tell me if it is available: have Construct output JSON or at least a JSON-compatible dictionary, perhaps by using adapters.

The default hook can't prevent the _io key from being added to the output, but would let you at least avoid the error:

json.dumps(packet, default=lambda o: '<not serializable>')

Filtering can be done recursively; the @functools.singledispatch() decorator can help keep such code clean:

from functools import singledispatch

_cant_serialize = object()

def json_serializable(object, skip_underscore=False):
    """Filter a Python object to only include serializable object types

    In dictionaries, keys are converted to strings; if skip_underscore is true
    then keys starting with an underscore ("_") are skipped.

    # default handler, called for anything without a specific
    # type registration.
    return _cant_serialize

def _handle_dict(d, skip_underscore=False):
    converted = ((str(k), json_serializable(v, skip_underscore))
                 for k, v in d.items())
    if skip_underscore:
        converted = ((k, v) for k, v in converted if k[:1] != '_')
    return {k: v for k, v in converted if v is not _cant_serialize}

def _handle_sequence(seq, skip_underscore=False):
    converted = (json_serializable(v, skip_underscore) for v in seq)
    return [v for v in converted if v is not _cant_serialize]

@json_serializable.register(bool)  # redudant, supported as int subclass
def _handle_default_scalar_types(value, skip_underscore=False):
    return value

I have the above implementation an additional skip_underscore argument too, to explicitly skip keys that have a _ character at the start. This would help skip all additional 'hidden' attributes the Construct library is using.

Since Container is a dict subclass, the above code will automatically handle instances such as packet.

like image 60
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11

Martijn Pieters

Ignoring a non-serializable field requires heavy extra logic as correctly pointed out in all previous answers.

If you don't really need to exclude the field, then you can generate a default value instead:

def safe_serialize(obj):
  default = lambda o: f"<<non-serializable: {type(o).__qualname__}>>"
  return json.dumps(obj, default=default)

obj = {"a": 1, "b": bytes()} # bytes is non-serializable by default

That will produce this result:

{"a": 1, "b": "<<non-serializable: bytes>>"}

This code will print the type name, which might be useful if you want to implement your custom serializers later on.

like image 28
David Rissato Cruz Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 13:11

David Rissato Cruz

skipkeys doesn't do what you might think it does - it instructs the json.JSONEncoder to skip keys that are not of a basic type, not the values of the keys - i.e. if your had a dict {object(): "foobar"} it would skip the object() key, whereas without skipkeys set to True it would raise a TypeError.

You can overload JSONEncoder.iterencode() (and its underbelly) and perform look-ahead filtering there, but you'll end up pretty much rewriting the json module, slowing it down in the process as you won't be able to benefit from the compiled parts. What I'd suggest you is to pre-process your data via iterative filtering and skip keys/types you don't want in your final JSON. Then the json module should be able to process it without any additional instructions. Something like:

import collections

class SkipFilter(object):

    def __init__(self, types=None, keys=None, allow_empty=False):
        self.types = tuple(types or [])
        self.keys = set(keys or [])
        self.allow_empty = allow_empty  # if True include empty filtered structures

    def filter(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, collections.Mapping):
            result = {}  # dict-like, use dict as a base
            for k, v in data.items():
                if k in self.keys or isinstance(v, self.types):  # skip key/type
                    result[k] = self.filter(v)
                except ValueError:
            if result or self.allow_empty:
                return result
        elif isinstance(data, collections.Sequence):
            result = []  # a sequence, use list as a base
            for v in data:
                if isinstance(v, self.types):  # skip type
                except ValueError:
            if result or self.allow_empty:
                return result
        else:  # we don't know how to traverse this structure...
            return data  # return it as-is, hope for the best...
        raise ValueError

Then create your filter:

import io

preprocessor = SkipFilter([io.BytesIO], ["_io"])  # double-whammy skip of io.BytesIO

In this case skipping just by type should suffice, but in case the _io key holds some other undesirable data this guarantees it won't be in the final result. Anyway, you can then just filter the data prior to passing it to the JSONEncoder:

import json

json_data = json.dumps(preprocessor.filter(packet))  # no _io keys or io.BytesIO data...

Of course, if your structure contains some other exotic data or data that is represented in JSON differently based on its type, this approach might mess it up as it turns all mappings into dict and all sequences into list. However, for general usage this should be more than enough.

like image 26
zwer Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11
