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How to make function argument container independent

I'm writing a utility function which will take a vector of elements (could be string, int, double, char) and concatenate into a single string and return it. It looks like this:

template<typename T>
std::string convert2Str(std::vector<T> const& vec) 
   std::ostringstream sStream; 
   for (size_t k=0; k<vec.size(); ++k) {
      sStream << vec[k] << " "; 
   return sStream.str(); 

I would like to make this function more generic:

  • First use iterators instead of using indices for the vector<T>. I tried this std::vector<T>::const_iterator it = vec.begin() before the loop and the compiler gave me an error: : error: expected ; before it When I change the above defintions to std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = vec.begin() the error goes away. So, it looks like I'm not following correct syntax, please let me know what it is
  • Second is to make the function more generic by making the first argument container independent. Given any container (vector, list, queue, deque, etc.) I want to do the same thing as above. I tried searching for this in stackoverflow and did not find satisfactory answer.
like image 704
cppcoder Avatar asked Mar 27 '11 18:03


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2 Answers

Step 1, as you said, use iterators:

template<typename T>
std::string convert2Str(std::vector<T> const& vec) 
   typedef std::vector<T> container;
   std::ostringstream sStream; 
   for (typename container::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
      sStream << *it << " "; 
   return sStream.str(); 

Step 2, make the template argument the container type instead of the element type (you can get the element type back with value_type:

template<typename container>
std::string convert2Str(container const& vec)
   typedef container::value_type T; // if needed
   std::ostringstream sStream; 
   for (typename container::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
      sStream << *it << " "; 
   return sStream.str(); 

In C++0x, this gets even simpler (and typename is not needed):

template<typename container>
std::string convert2Str(container const& vec)
   using std::begin;
   using std::end;
   std::ostringstream sStream;
   for (auto it = begin(vec); it != end(vec); ++it) {
      typedef decltype(*it) T; // if needed
      sStream << *it << " "; 
   return sStream.str(); 

Among other advantages, std::begin and std::end work for raw arrays.

like image 183
Ben Voigt Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 15:10

Ben Voigt

Following STL practice, I would recommend using two iterators for input parameters, instead of a container (for obvious reason of being able to work with only a part of a container, and generally with any sequence defined by iterators):

template<typename InputIterator>
std::string convert2Str(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
    std::ostringstream sStream;
    for (InputIterator it = first; it != last; ++it) {
       sStream << *it << " ";
    return sStream.str();

In case you need the type of contained objects, use

typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type T;

ADDED: You then can use the function as follows:

std::vector<int> int_vec;
std::list<float> f_list;
std::deque<std::string> str_deq;

     // put something into the containers here

std::cout<< convert2Str(int_vec.begin(), int_vec.end()) <<std::endl;
std::cout<< convert2Str(f_list.begin(), f_list.end()) <<std::endl;
std::cout<< convert2Str(str_deq.begin(), str_deq.end()) <<std::endl;

Note that you cannot iterate over std::queue; but if you really need it, the standard guarantees enough support for a do-it-yourself solution. See more info here: std::queue iteration.

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Alexey Kukanov Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 16:10

Alexey Kukanov