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How to make dynamic state for multiple fields in react?

class Bills extends Component {
constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        productName: '',
        price: 0,
        quantity: 0,
        noOfProductsField: 0
handleChange = name => event => {
        [name]: event.target.value,

createFields = () => {
        const { classes } = this.props;
        let children = []
        for (let i = 0; i < this.state.noOfProductsField; i++) {
                         value = { this.state[i] }
                            MenuProps: {
                                className: classes.menu,
                        <MenuItem value="" disabled>
                            Select Product
                        {this.state.products.map((option, ind) => (
                            <MenuItem key={ind} value={option.productName}>
                    <TextField className={classes.textField} placeholder='Price' type='number' onChange={this.handleChange('price')} />
                    <TextField className={classes.textField} placeholder='Quantity' type='number' onChange={this.handleChange('quantity')} />
        return children

I Have this function which is creating 3 input fields in for loop

  • productName
  • price
  • quantity

For Example if loop is running 2 times it will create 6 fields like image below:

Click on this to see image

So now i want to manage state for all 6 fields differently How can i do that ?

like image 756
Huzaifa Ahmed Avatar asked Nov 17 '18 08:11

Huzaifa Ahmed

4 Answers

Simple example for the state variables looks like:

this.state = {
test: 'hello'

you can get the state values dynamically by

let field_name = 'test';
let data = this.state[field_name];

you can set the state or replace the state like

let field_name = 'test';
this.setState({[field_name]: 'new'}) // test: 'new'

complex state replace like

let field_names = {key: 'test'}
this.setState({[field_name.key]: 'ok'}) // test: 'ok'
console.log(this.state[field_name.key]) // test: 'ok'

You can also use the Template literals like

this.setState({`${field_name.key}`: 'ok'}) // test: 'ok'
console.log(this.state[`${field_name.key}`]) // test: 'ok'

Superb, you got the solution.

like image 83
karthikeyan ganesan Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 03:11

karthikeyan ganesan

You need to create dynamic form inputs right? So what you can do is you can pass the name of the product to you handler this.handleChange('productName') and then you can do something like following. In your case you will need to use computed property name so as to dynamically set the state(like you are already doing)

handleChange = name => event => {
    //more logic here as per the requirement
        [name]: event.target.value,

Or you can create seperate onChange handlers each for product, price, quantity.

handleProductChange = (name) => (evt) => {
    const newProducts = this.state.products.map((product, pidx) => {
      if (name !== product.productName) return product;
      return { ...product, productName: evt.target.value };

    this.setState({ products: newProducts });

Quick flow: When product onChange occurrs you can store the product in the procucts array(in state) and when price change will occure you can send the product name along with it and map the product with price and quantity.

Here you can find a nice JS bin replica with React, of exact same thing you want to achieve.

like image 45
Shivam Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11


You can add name attribute to each input component and make one handler method which get the name as an argument.

handleInputChange(event) {

  const value = event.target.value;
  const name = event.target.name;

    [name]: value

You can read more about how to handle multiple inputs on React docs.

like image 2
zb22 Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11


you can create dynamic select field using react js

**Code sample:**

const templates = [
    {'id': 1, 'value': 'JavaScript', 'name': 'JavaScript'}, 
    {'id': 2, 'value': 'React', 'name': 'React'},    
    {'id': 3, 'value': 'Angular', 'name': 'Angular'},
    {'id': 4, 'value': 'Node', 'name': 'Node'},
    {'id': 5, 'value': 'Vue', 'name': 'Vue'},

class Dynamic extends React.Component {
    selectedTemplates: ""

 onChange = (e) => {
   // selected value store into state
      selectedTemplates: e.target.value 

  render() {
    return (
        <h2>Dynamic Select(Options):</h2>
        <select className="form-control"
            onChange={(e) => this.onChange(e.target.value)}
              templates.map(msgTemplate => {
                  return (

React.render(<Dynamic />, document.getElementById('app'));

demo >> codepen

like image 2
Rizwan Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11
