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How to make dot (composition) and dollar (application) sign for functors?



I have made dot sign for functors (○), but my application (↯) doesnt work, I have an error in test3 function declaration

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Main where

import Protolude

-- composition of functors, analog of .
infixr 9 ○
type (○) f g a = f (g a)

-- functor application, analog of $
infixr 0 ↯
type (↯) f a = f a

test :: [] (Maybe Int)
test = [Just 1]

test2 :: ([] ○ Maybe) Int
test2 = [Just 1]

test3 :: ([] ○ Maybe) ↯ Int -- error here
test3 = [Just 1]

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test2
  return ()

I have an error

[Error]• The type synonym ‘○’ should have 3 arguments, but has been given 2 • In the type signature: test3 :: ([] ○ Maybe) ↯ Int

What's wrong?


Here is the implementation using newtype, because type synonyms cannot be partially applied (@M.Aroosi)

I don't like it because I have to wrap data with datatype constructor all the time

Is there a way to implement it without need to wrap data with Composition or Apply all the time?

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Main where

import Protolude

-- I can't use `type` here, because type synonyms cannot be partially applied

-- composition of functors, analog of .
infixr 9 ○
newtype (○) f g a = Composition (f (g a)) deriving (Show)

-- functor application, analog of $
infixr 0 ↯
newtype (↯) f a = Apply (f a) deriving (Show)

test :: [] (Maybe Int)
test = [Just 1]

test2 :: ([] ○ Maybe) Int
test2 = Composition [Just 1]

test2' :: [] ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test2' = Apply (Composition [Just 1])

test3 :: ([] ○ Maybe ○ Maybe) Int
test3 = Composition [Composition (Just (Just 1))]

test3' :: [] ○ Maybe ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test3' = Apply (Composition [Composition (Just (Just 1))])

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test2
  print test2'
  print test3
  print test3'
  return ()


This can be done trivially in idris

module Main

test : List (Maybe Integer)
test = [Just 1]

-- using (.) from prelude
test1 : (List . Maybe) Integer
test1 = [Just 1]

-- using (.) and ($) from prelude
test2 : List . Maybe $ Integer
test2 = [Just 1]

main : IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test1
  print test2


composition with type also works in purescript (YAY!)

module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, logShow)

type Composition f g a = f (g a)
infixr 9 type Composition as ○

type Apply f a = f a
infixr 0 type Apply as ↯

test1 :: (Array ○ Maybe) Int
test1 = [Just 1]

test2 :: Array ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test2 = [Just 1]

test3 :: (Array ○ Maybe ○ Maybe) Int
test3 = [Just (Just 1)]

test4 :: Array ○ Maybe ○ Maybe ↯ Int
test4 = [Just (Just 1)]

main :: forall e. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
main = do
  logShow test1
  logShow test2
  logShow test3
  logShow test4


there is an ongoing effort to make this possible in haskell


like image 236
srghma Avatar asked Oct 13 '18 09:10


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1 Answers

So as per your request, here's the solution involving type families. It is based around the idea behind the Fcf package with an article explaining that idea here

Before I begin there's something in favor of using a normal data type/newtype: You can define functor instances for the composition type so it acts as a single unit, that is you can define instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where .. which you can't do with the approach below.
There might be a library that allows you to do that with a list of types instead of just 2 (so something like Compose [Maybe, [], Either Int] a), but I can't seem to find it right now, so if anyone knows it it's probably a better solution than the one I present below (in my opinion).

First we need some language extensions:


Let's also include Data.Kind for Type

import Data.Kind (Type)

Let's define a type Exp a which will represent a.
We'll also define a type family Eval which will let do the grunt work, it will take an Exp a and give us an a

type Exp a = a -> Type
type family Eval (e :: Exp a) :: a

We can now define our operators (○) and (↯) (I'd prefer to use easier to type operators here, say # and $ instead, but I'll stick with the ones you picked for this answer).
We define these as empty data types. This is where TypeInType comes in (and TypeOperators but that's because we are using operators).

infixr 9 ○
data (○) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp c

infixr 0 ↯
data (↯) :: (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp b

Notice how the final kind is Exp a for them? that allows us to give them type instances for Eval

type instance Eval ((○) f g a) = f (Eval (g a))
type instance Eval ((↯) f a) = Eval (f a)

Now you may be wondering "(○)'s second argument is of kind a -> Exp b, but I want to give it something like Maybe which has kind * -> *!", this is where we have 3 solutions to that problem:

  1. add another operator, say (%) which is just like (○) but takes a second argument of kind a -> b instead of a -> Exp b. This only needs to replace the right-most composition operator.
  2. "lift" the kind a -> b into a -> Exp b, I'll use a data type named Lift for that. This only needs to be done to the rightmost type in the composition.
  3. provide a "do nothing" data type of kind a -> Exp b, I'll call that Pure.

Here are the three solutions written in Haskell:

infixr 9 %
data (%) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Exp c
type instance Eval ((%) f g a) = f (g a)

data Lift :: (a -> b) -> a -> Exp b
type instance Eval (Lift f a) = f a

data Pure :: a -> Exp a
type instance Eval (Pure a) = a 

One more thing we can do with this setup is make a type-level function datatype we call "Compose" which will take a list of types and produce their composition

data Compose :: [a -> a] -> a -> Exp a 
type instance Eval (Compose '[] a) = a
type instance Eval (Compose (x:xs) a) = x (Eval (Compose xs a))

Now we can make our program, with some tests and a main that just prints the values of the tests:


module Main where

import Data.Kind (Type)

type Exp a = a -> Type
type family Eval (e :: Exp a) :: a

infixr 9 ○
data (○) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp c

infixr 0 ↯
data (↯) :: (a -> Exp b) -> a -> Exp b

type instance Eval ((○) f g a) = f (Eval (g a))
type instance Eval ((↯) f a) = Eval (f a)

infixr 9 %
data (%) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Exp c
type instance Eval ((%) f g a) = f (g a)

data Lift :: (a -> b) -> a -> Exp b
type instance Eval (Lift f a) = f a

data Pure :: a -> Exp a
type instance Eval (Pure a) = a 

data Compose :: [a -> a] -> a -> Exp a 
type instance Eval (Compose '[] a) = a
type instance Eval (Compose (x:xs) a) = x (Eval (Compose xs a))

test :: [] (Maybe Int)
test = [Just 1]

-- using %
test2 :: Eval (([] % Maybe) Int)
test2 = [Just 1]

test2' :: Eval ([] % Maybe ↯ Int)
test2' = [Just 1]

-- works for longer types too
test3 :: Eval (([] ○ Maybe % Maybe) Int)
test3 = [Just (Just 1)]

test3' :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe % Maybe ↯ Int)
test3' = [Just (Just 1)]

-- we can instead Lift the rightmost type
test4 :: Eval (([] ○ Maybe ○ Lift Maybe) Int)
test4 = [Just (Just 1)]

test4' :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe ○ Lift Maybe ↯ Int)
test4' = [Just (Just 1)]

-- an even longer type, with definition "matching" the type declaration
test5 :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe ○ Either Bool % Maybe ↯ Int)
test5 = (:[]) . Just . Right . Just $ 1

-- Same as above, but instead let's use Pure so we don't need to lift the Maybe or use %
test6 :: Eval ([] ○ Maybe ○ Either Bool ○ Maybe ○ Pure ↯ Int)
test6= (:[]) . Just . Right . Just $ 1

-- same as above, uses Compose
test7 :: Eval (Compose [[], Maybe, Either Bool, Maybe] Int)
test7= (:[]) . Just . Right . Just $ 1

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print test
  print test2
  print test2'
  print test3
  print test3'
  print test4
  print test4'
  print test5
  print test6
  print test7
  return ()
like image 56
Mor A. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Mor A.