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How to make ConfigurationManager read a config file other than app.config?

I need to parse a config file that is situated in another project. I know that ConfigurationManager reads the app.config file by default, but how to make it read that particular config file?

like image 906
Amokrane Chentir Avatar asked May 10 '10 08:05

Amokrane Chentir

People also ask

How do I override ConfigurationManager appSettings?

It appears there is a way to do this in . NET 3.5 by setting the allowOverride attribute in the appSettings definition section of machine. config. This allows you to override the entire section in your own app.

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The web. config file is required for ASP.NET webpages. The app. config file is optional in an application and doesn't have to be used when writing desktop applications.

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In Solution Explorer, right-click the project node, and then select Add > New Item. The Add New Item dialog box appears. Expand Installed > Visual C# Items. In the middle pane, select the Application Configuration File template.

2 Answers

// Create a filemap refering the config file.
ExeConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
fileMap.ExeConfigFilename = configFilePath;

// Retrieve the config file.
Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(fileMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
like image 86
Marcus Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 10:10


Or like this:

var fileMap = new ConfigurationFileMap(configFilePath);
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedMachineConfiguration(fileMap);

But you still will have a problem with custom configuration sections.

like image 21
Misha Dev Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10

Misha Dev