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How to make colorbar refer to markers in 3D-plot and not the surface in Matlab

I have a plot of the following type:

enter image description here

I have created the black-white surface using the surf-function and the markers I have plotted using plot3-function. For each marker I have defined a colormap between Red-Yellow-Green depending on the value of the marker. As you can see from the plot the colorbar refers at the moment to the surface but I would like it to refer to the markers. How can I do this?

Thank you!

Here is MWE basically showing what I do now:

% Plot the surface with a colormap
Z = peaks;
Z = peaks./max(Z(:));
Z = (Z+1)*3/2;
shading interp
hold on

% Create the 4-dimensional marker data
x = (50-10).*rand(50,1) + 10;
y = (50-10).*rand(50,1) + 10;
z = (3-1).*rand(50,1) + 1;
q = 5.*rand(50,1); % This dimension is used to select the color

% Create the color map for the markers
c1=[0 1 0]; %G
c2=[1 1 0]; %Y
c3=[1 0 0]; %R
n1 = 20;
n2 = 20;
cmap = cmap';

% Select the colors for the markers
marker_colors = zeros(size(50, 1), 3);
q_interval = max(q)-min(q);
q_int = q_interval/(n1+n2);
q_vals = zeros(n1+n2,1);
q_vals(1) = min(q);
for i = 2:size(q_vals,1)
    q_vals(i) = min(q) + (i-1)*q_int;
for i = 1:50
    d = abs(q_vals - q(i));
    ind = find(d == min(d));
    marker_colors(i,:) = cmap(ind,:);
    % Plot the marker
    plot3(x(i), y(i), z(i), 'o', 'color', [0 0 0], 'MarkerFaceColor', marker_colors(i,:))

% Lastly I plot the colorbar, which refers to the surface... :/ 
like image 544
jjepsuomi Avatar asked May 12 '16 09:05


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1 Answers

If you do not rely on plot3 function you can use scatter3 instead.

%% Data for surface
[X,Y]=meshgrid(-2:.1:2, -2:.1:2);

%% data for points

%% Colormap
c1=[0 1 0]; %G
c2=[1 1 0]; %Y
c3=[1 0 0]; %R
n1 = 20;
n2 = 20;
cmap = cmap';

%% Create surface with texture defined in C
shading interp
hold on

%% plot points in coordinates x,y,z with markers with 12 pt in diameter,
%% coloured according to c values, filled and with black marker edges.

%% set colormap (change will apply only for scatter because surf uses texxture map)
like image 166
Crowley Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
