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Radon transform matrix representation

I am looking for a MATLAB solution to generate the matrix representation of a discrete Radon transform (DRT). That is, given a vectorized version of an MxN image, X, I'd like to generate the matrix R such that R*X(:) is a DRT of the image. In MATLAB, I am expecting it to look something like the following:

>> X = 2D_Image_Of_Size_MxN;
>> R = DRT_Matrix_Of_Size_LPxMN;
>> DRT = reshape( R * X(:), L, P );

I know there are several ways to define a DRT, so I'll just say that I am looking for a normal or standard or not-too-out-of-the-ordinary implmentation.

like image 891
AnonSubmitter85 Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 19:08


People also ask

What does a Radon transform do?

The Radon transform is an integral transform whose inverse is used to reconstruct images from medical CT scans. A technique for using Radon transforms to reconstruct a map of a planet's polar regions using a spacecraft in a polar orbit has also been devised (Roulston and Muhleman 1997).

What is Radon transform in digital image processing?

The radon transform takes a projection of a 2D image along a direction to give the 1D profile. Kind of like if you stood the image on its edge and took an x-ray of it. In fact it's used in 3D medical imaging for CT reconstruction.

Is Radon transform linear?

e Radon transform is in fact a linear transformation, which can be seen by the fol- lowing calculations.

Where is Radon transform used?

The Radon transform is useful in computed axial tomography (CAT scan), barcode scanners, electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies like viruses and protein complexes, reflection seismology and in the solution of hyperbolic partial differential equations.

1 Answers

function [ R rho theta ] = radonmatrix( drho, dtheta, M, N )
% radonmatrix - Discrete Radon Trasnform matrix
%   [ R rho theta ] = radonmatrix( drho, dtheta, M, N )
%   Returns a matrix representation of a Discrete Radon
%   Transform (DRT).
%   drho     Radial spacing the the DRT.
%   dtheta   Angular spacing of the DRT (rad).
%   M        Number of rows in the image.
%   N        Number of columns in the image.
%   R        LP x MN DRT matrix. The values of the L and
%            P will depend on the radial and angular spacings.
%   rho      Vector of radial sample locations.
%   theta    Vector of angular sample locations (rad).

% For each angle, we define a set of rays parameterized
% by rho. We then find the pixels on the MxN grid that
% are closest to each line. The elements in R corresponding
% to those pixels are given the value of 1.

% The maximum extent of the region of support. It's for
% rho = 0 and theta = pi/4, the line that runs caddy-corner.
W = sqrt( M^2 + N^2 );

rho = -W/2 : drho : W/2;
theta = 0 : dtheta : 180 - dtheta;

L = length( rho );
P = length( theta );

R = false( L*P, M*N );

% Define a meshgrid w/ (0,0) in the middle that
% we can use a standard coordinate system.
[ mimg nimg ] = imggrid( 1, 1, [ M N ] );

% We loop over each angle and define all of the lines.
% We then just figure out which indices each line goes
% through and put a 1 there.
for ii = 1 : P

  phi = theta(ii) * pi/180;

  % The equaiton is rho = m * sin(phi) + n * cos(phi).
  % We either define a vector for m and solve for n
  % or vice versa. We chose which one based on angle
  % so that we never g4et close to dividing by zero.
  if( phi >= pi/4 && phi <= 3*pi/4 )

    t =  -W : min( 1/sqrt(2), 1/abs(cot(phi)) ) : +W;
    T = length( t );

    rhom = repmat( rho(:), 1, T );
    tn = repmat( t(:)', L, 1 );
    mline = ( rhom - tn * cos(phi) ) ./ sin(phi);

    for jj = 1 : L
      p = round( tn(jj,:) - min( nimg ) ) + 1;
      q = round( mline(jj,:) - min( mimg ) ) + 1;  
      inds = p >= 1 & p <= N & q >= 1 & q <= M;
      R( (ii-1)*L + jj, unique( sub2ind( [ M N ], q(inds), p(inds) ) ) ) = 1;


    t =  -W : min( 1/sqrt(2), 1/abs(tan(phi)) ) : +W;
    T = length( t );

    rhon = repmat( rho(:)', T, 1 );    
    tm = repmat( t(:), 1, L );
    nline = ( rhon - tm * sin(phi) ) ./ cos(phi);

    for jj = 1 : L
      p = round( nline(:,jj) - min( nimg ) ) + 1;
      q = round( tm(:,jj) - min( mimg ) ) + 1;  
      inds = p >= 1 & p <= N & q >= 1 & q <= M;
      R( (ii-1)*L + jj, unique( sub2ind( [ M N ], q(inds), p(inds) ) ) ) = 1;



R = double( sparse( R ) );


Here is the imggrid function used in the above.

function [ m n ] = imggrid( dm, dn, sz )
% imggrid -- Returns rectilinear coordinate vectors
%   [ m n ] = imggrid( dm, dn, sz )
%   Given the sample spacings and the image size, this
%   function returns the row and column coordinate vectors
%   for the image. Both vectors are centered about zero.
%   dm     Spacing between rows.
%   dn     Spacing between columns.
%   sz     2x1 vector of the image size: [ Nrows Ncols ].
%   m      sz(1) x 1 row coordinate vector.
%   n      1 x sz(2) column coordinate vector.

M = sz(1);
N = sz(2);

if( mod( M, 2 ) == 0 )
  m = dm * ( ceil( -M/2 ) : floor( M/2 ) - 1 )';
  m = dm * ( ceil( -M/2 ) : floor( M/2 ) )';

if( mod( N, 2 ) == 0 )
  n = dn * ( ceil( -N/2 ) : floor( N/2 ) - 1 );
  n = dn * ( ceil( -N/2 ) : floor( N/2 ) );
like image 137
AnonSubmitter85 Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 04:11
