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How to make Chrome redraw SVG dynamically added content?




I've dynamacally added the circle elements to the svg displayed in a iFrame. Chrome isnt showing the new elements, not tried FF yet. Is there somekind of redraw/refresh I need to call? The first circle is actually in the svg document, the rest come from script.

<iframe id="svgFrame" src="xmlfile1.svg" width="300" height="300">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="SVG1" width="200" height="200">
   <circle cx="20" cy="20" r="5"/>
   <circle cx="165" cy="80" r="32"/>
   <circle cx="15" cy="38" r="32"/>
   <circle cx="140" cy="39" r="30"/>
   <circle cx="178" cy="32" r="22"/>
   <circle cx="166" cy="130" r="16"/>

The javascript which creates the elements:

function RandomNumber(min, max) {
    var r;
    r = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
    return r;

var svg = document.getElementById("svgFrame").contentDocument;

for (var i = 0; i < 99; i++) {

    var n = svg.createElement("circle");
    n.setAttribute("cx" , RandomNumber( 0 , 200) );
    n.setAttribute("cy" , RandomNumber(0, 200) );
    n.setAttribute("r"  , RandomNumber(5, 35) );

like image 377
Mesh Avatar asked Mar 30 '10 11:03


2 Answers

I haven't tried what you are doing where you essentially have two sources but I do know Chrome doesn't need a refresh/redraw when dynamically adding content.

Here is my code maybe this will help you.

xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
var C = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"circle");
C.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", cx);
C.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", cy);
C.setAttributeNS(null, "r", rad);

Where background is just the id of a group (g tag)

like image 165
Shaunwithanau Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10


I'm guessing, but have you tried createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","circle") instead of createElement("circle")?

like image 16
Matthew Wilson Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Matthew Wilson