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How do I use Jasmine to spy on a function that is imported via an ES6 default export?

I am working on a Redux app & trying to create a spy using Jasmine on an ES6 default exported function. I have attempted a few different ways of spying on the function, including using a wildcard import to access the 'default' property of the import, but nothing I've tried has worked thus far. Below is an example, where I would want to test widgets.js and spy on the widget function. Is there a way to achieve this without having to change the way im exporting the function from widget.js?


import { Map } from 'immutable'; import { CREATE_WIDGET } from 'actions';  const initialState = Map({   id: undefined,   name: undefined });  export default function widget(state=initialState, action) {   switch (action.type) {     case CREATE_WIDGET:       return state.update((widget) => widget.merge(action.widget));      default:       return state;   } } 


import { OrderedMap } from 'immutable'; import { CREATE_ROOM } from 'actions'; import widget from './widget';  const initialState = OrderedMap();  export default function widgets(state=initialState, action={}) {   switch (action.type) {     case CREATE_ROOM:       return state.set(action.widget.id, widget(undefined, action));      default:       return state;   } } 
like image 463
evkline Avatar asked Dec 06 '15 02:12


1 Answers

You say you tried importing the wildcard and spying on default? What was the issue with that approach? I just ran into this problem and doing this solved it for me:

import * as widget from './widget';  describe('widget spec', () => {     beforeEach(() => {         spyOn(widget, 'default');     }); }); 
like image 66
jdrush89 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
