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How to make an iterator out of an ES6 class

How would I make an iterator out of an ES6 class in the same manner as JS1.7 SomeClass.prototype.__iterator__ = function() {...} syntax?

[EDIT 16:00]

The following works:

class SomeClass {     constructor() {     }      *[Symbol.iterator]() {         yield '1';         yield '2';     }      //*generator() {     //}  }  an_instance = new SomeClass(); for (let v of an_instance) {     console.log(v); } 

WebStorm flags *[Symbol.iterator]() with a 'function name expected' warning directly following the asterix, but otherwise this compiles and runs fine with Traceur. (Note WebStorm does not generate any errors for *generator().)

like image 709
user5321531 Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 10:02


People also ask

How do you make a class iterable in JavaScript?

The iterable protocol In order to be iterable, an object must implement the @@iterator method, meaning that the object (or one of the objects up its prototype chain) must have a property with a @@iterator key which is available via constant Symbol.

What is es6 iterator?

Iterator is an object which allows us to access a collection of objects one at a time. The following built-in types are by default iterable − String. Array. Map.

How do you make an iterator?

An iterator can be created from an iterable by using the function iter(). Thus, when we pass this tuple to an iter() function, we will get an iterator. Actually, this is possible because the class of an object has a method __iter__, which returns an iterator.

How do you make an object iterable in JavaScript?

entries. In order to make objects iterable, we need to first understand how iteration work in JavaScript. When an iterable data structure, like an array, string, array of arrays, and so on, are iterated over with the for/of loop, a special method within their definition is invoked, the [Symbol. iterator]() method.

2 Answers

You need to specify Symbol.iterator property for SomeClass which returns iterator for class instances. Iterator must have next() method, witch in turn returns object with done and value fields. Simplified example:

function SomeClass() {   this._data = [1,2,3,4]; }  SomeClass.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function() {   var index = 0;   var data  = this._data;    return {     next: function() {       return { value: data[++index], done: !(index in data) }     }   }; }; 

Or using ES6 classes and arrow functions:

class SomeClass {   constructor() {     this._data = [1,2,3,4];   }    [Symbol.iterator]() {     var index = -1;     var data  = this._data;      return {       next: () => ({ value: data[++index], done: !(index in data) })     };   }; } 

And usage:

var obj = new SomeClass(); for (var i of obj) { console.log(i) } 

In your updated question you realized class iterator through generator function. You can do so, but you must understand that iterator COULD NOT BE a generator. Actually iterator in es6 is any object that has specific next() method

like image 181
alexpods Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09


Define a suitable iterator method. For example:

class C {   constructor() { this.a = [] }   add(x) { this.a.push(x) }   [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.a.values() } } 

Edit: Sample use:

let c = new C c.add(1); c.add(2) for (let i of c) console.log(i) 
like image 40
Andreas Rossberg Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Andreas Rossberg