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Global `before` and `beforeEach` for mocha?

I'm using mocha for javascript unit-testing now.

I have several test files, each file has a before and beforeEach, but they are exactly the same.

How do I provide a global before and beforeEach for all of them (or some of them)?

like image 966
Freewind Avatar asked May 12 '12 06:05


People also ask

What is beforeEach in Mocha?

Before is before the whole block, beforeEach is before each test. – Steven Scott. Sep 18, 2015 at 21:35.

What is the difference between before and beforeEach?

However, the order in which Mocha executes the hooks makes complete sense: a before hook is meant to set the stage for a group of tests, whereas a beforeEach test is for each individual tests.

What is Mocha and chai?

Mocha is a JavaScript test framework running on Node. js and in the browser. Mocha allows asynchronous testing, test coverage reports, and use of any assertion library. Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for NodeJS and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework.

How do I run a specific test file in Mocha?

If you just want to run one test from your entire list of test cases then, you can write only ahead of your test case. If you want to run all the test cases which are inside one describe section, then you can also write only to describe as well.

2 Answers

In the root of the test folder, create a global test helper test/helper.js which has your before and beforeEach

// globals global.assert = require('assert');  // setup before(); beforeEach();  // teardown after(); afterEach(); 
like image 72
AJcodez Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10


from the mocha documentation…


You may also pick any file and add “root”-level hooks. For example, add beforeEach() outside of all describe() blocks. This will cause the callback to beforeEach() to run before any test case, regardless of the file it lives in (this is because Mocha has an implied describe() block, called the “root suite

All regular describe()-suites are first collected and only then run, this kinda guarantees this being called first.

'use strict' let run = false  beforeEach(function() {     if ( run === true ) return     console.log('GLOBAL ############################')     run = true }); 

Remove the run-flag, if you want to see it run each time, before every test.

I named this file test/_beforeAll.test.js. It has no need to be imported/required anywhere, but the .test. (resp. .spec.) in the filename is important, so that your testrunner picks it up…

bonus track 8-): using mocha.opts \o/

If there's stuff, you truly only want to set up once before running your tests (regardless which ones...), mocha.opts is a surprisingly elegant option! – Just add a require to your file (yes, even if it contributes little to mocha, but rather to your test setup). It will run reliably once before:

enter image description here

( in this example I detect, if a single test or many tests are about to run. In the former case I output every log.info(), while on a full run I reduce verbosity to error+warn... )


If someone knows a way, to access some basic properties of the mocha suite that is about to be run in once.js, I would love to know and add here. (i.e. my suiteMode-detection is lousy, if there was another way to detect, how many tests are to be run…)

like image 41
Frank Nocke Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10

Frank Nocke