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How to make a greensock animation reverse but faster than original animation?

I have an animation that i am using Greensock for. When this animation is complete and when the user clicks on a button the animation will play in reverse. The issue i have is that i want the animation to play in reverse 3 times faster than when it was originally played. I am stumped on how to do this.

The current code i have works fine, i just need it to animate in reverse faster. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you. Current code:

var tl = new TimelineMax();
var page4 = function(){
    tl.staggerFrom("input", 0.5, {
    }, 0.2);
    tl.staggerFrom("label", 0.5, {
    }, 0.2);
    tl.staggerFrom("#submit", 0.5, {
    }, 0.2);

$('#submit').on('click', function(e){
   }, 3000 );

function contact(){
   var msg = '<p>Thank you for your submission! Please give us 1 business day to reply back.</p>';
like image 934
Travis Michael Heller Avatar asked Aug 29 '16 15:08

Travis Michael Heller

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GSAP is just another way to add overhead and bloat that is unnecessary. Scripting requires script libraries that increase the load time of a page. They require memory, and make the parsers do extra work for serialization on the Document object.

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Why use Greensock?

Greensock Animation Platform (GSAP) is an easy-to-use JavaScript library for web animation. It lets you animate just about anything that can be accessed with JavaScript including SVG, generic objects, canvases, and more.

What is Gsap timeline?

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1 Answers

It should be as simple as setting the timeScale() to 3 (meaning it'll play 3x faster than normal):


And remember, you can chain things, so you could reverse() it at the same time:


And then when you need to go forward again:


It's all in the docs: http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/

I also noticed that you're using a setTimeout() to call contact() after 3 seconds. That's fine, but if you want to have it called as soon as the timeline finishes (in either direction), you can set onComplete:contact and onReverseComplete:contact. Or there's also a TweenLite.delayedCall() that'll act much like setTimeout() but always remain perfectly synchronized with the whole GSAP engine and likely be more performant.

Happy tweening!

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Jack Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09
