I want to pass in a value, obtained from the an html object, convert that value into an integer so I can run arithmetic on it before outputting it. As my code stands now, it just adds them up like a string. So a value of 5 + a modifier of 100 ends up equaling = 5100, not 105.
Here's my form code:
Add Amount: <select id="addTweets">
<option value=5>5</option>
<option value=10>10</option>
<option value=15>15</option>
<input type="button" value="Add It" onclick="addTweet()" />
Here's my script:
function addTweet()
var mod = 100;
var results = document.getElementById("addTweets").value;
results += mod;
document.getElementById("tweetsOutput").innerHTML = results;
The unary plus (+
) coerces its operand into a number:
var results = +document.getElementById("addTweets").value;
typeof( results ); // number
Use parseInt:
var results = document.getElementById("addTweets").value;
var intResults = parseInt(results, 10) + mod;
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