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How to make a decent UI [closed]

Please I need help on how to create a nice looking UI. Now I suppose that people looking at this question have an android, if so go to the market. Download a app called, "Quick Settings". It has a great UI and I want to learn how to make mine look as good as that one, if you have any kind of help, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Ryan Ciehanski Avatar asked May 31 '11 00:05

Ryan Ciehanski

1 Answers

A quick Google search brings up lots of good tips, tricks and tools for designing Android UIs. Here are a few:

  • http://www.droiddraw.org/
  • http://www.androiduipatterns.com/
  • http://phandroid.com/2011/05/11/10-tips-for-android-ui-design/
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Haphazard Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
