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How to Make a Basic FPS Counter?

I'm trying to display my frames-per-second in my cube-rendering program. I would like to see its performance. So, how can I do it? I have done research on this already, but the examples I've seen use either multiple classes and still don't work, or they use libraries that I don't have. Is there a way to get the FPS by using pre-installed libs like ctime? I am using OpenGL with C++.

Here is my (empty) function:

void GetFPS()


and then I display my FPS in my render function with:

std::cout << xRot << " " << yRot << " " << zRot << " " << FPS << "\n"; //xRot, yRot, and zRot are my cube's rotation.

My program is set to 60FPS, but I would like to see the actual FPS, not what it's set to.

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Xenonic Avatar asked Feb 15 '15 20:02


People also ask

How do I get an FPS counter?

Your Windows PC also comes with a built-in FPS counter, thanks to the Windows Game Bar overlay. You can launch this feature with the Win + G shortcut, with performance data—CPU, GPU, VRAM, RAM, and FPS—displayed in the lower-left widget.

Is there a built-in FPS counter?

Windows 10 comes with a built-in FPS counter. It works with the Windows 10 game bar. You do not have to install anything and you can pin the FPS counter to the screen and use it to monitor the frame rate.

Is 60 frames per second good?

For most people, 60 FPS is the best frame rate to play at. This isn't only because of the smoothness of the images displayed but also because 60Hz monitors are the most readily available ones. Furthermore, acquiring a GPU that can output 60 FPS in a video game is pretty easy and inexpensive nowadays.

2 Answers

You have to sample 2 different time intervals using clock() however notes that there are several problems:

  • resolution of clock is several milliseconds (you may workaround using std::chrono etc, however even chrono may have not so high resolution depending on implementation. On my PC with GCC 4.9.1 I never get better resolution than 16 milliseconds even with std::chrono.
  • tipically using clock() you will get 0 many times and at some time you will measure a real time (in my case it just make a jump of 15/16 milliseconds)
  • unless you are using vertical syncronization (vsync), you will not measure real frametime but just the CPU time spent in your render loop (to activate vsync you have to SetSwapInterval(1) wich your OS function or for example using a library like SDL that provide portable cross platform implementaiton)
  • To measure real rendering time you may use a GL'S time query (you may have only 1 timer bound at any time so if you are measuring framerate you cann't measure how long takes render something specific).
  • Do not measure FPS (well unless you want just to show it to users), instead measure frame time in milliseconds, that gives much more intuitive approximation of performance. (you know going from 100 to 80 FPS is 2,5 ms difference, going from 40 to 20 FPS is 25 ms difference!)

Do that:

double clockToMilliseconds(clock_t ticks){
    // units/(units/time) => time (seconds) * 1000 = milliseconds
    return (ticks/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*1000.0;

clock_t deltaTime = 0;
unsigned int frames = 0;
double  frameRate = 30;
double  averageFrameTimeMilliseconds = 33.333;


    clock_t beginFrame = clock();
    clock_t endFrame = clock();

    deltaTime += endFrame - beginFrame;
    frames ++;

    //if you really want FPS
    if( clockToMilliseconds(deltaTime)>1000.0){ //every second
        frameRate = (double)frames*0.5 +  frameRate*0.5; //more stable
        frames = 0;
        deltaTime -= CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        averageFrameTimeMilliseconds  = 1000.0/(frameRate==0?0.001:frameRate);

            std::cout<<"FrameTime was:"<<averageFrameTimeMilliseconds<<std::endl;
           std::cout<<"CPU time was:"<<averageFrameTimeMilliseconds<<std::endl;

The above code works also when you do something that takes several seconds. I do a computation that is updated every second, you could as well update it more often. (note I use exactly that code in most of my projects that need FPS)

like image 105
CoffeDeveloper Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10


just call this in any loop to measure the number of calls a second.

#include <chrono>

void printFPS() {
    static std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> oldTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    static int fps; fps++;

    if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - oldTime) >= std::chrono::seconds{ 1 }) {
        oldTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        std::cout << "FPS: " << fps <<  std::endl;
        fps = 0;
like image 25
user_number153 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10
