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How to maintain secrets used in Dockerfile?

Below is the snippet of docker-compose file having passwords:

  build: ../../
  dockerfile: docker/dev/Dockerfile
    - cache
    - db
    DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: todobackend.settings.test
    MYSQL_HOST: db
    MYSQL_USER: root
    MYSQL_PASSWORD: password
    TEST_OUTPUT_DIR: /reports

  image: mysql:5.6
  hostname: db
    - "3386"

Running this file in AWS environment,

Can be using KMS storing in s3 and another approach is AWS parameter store

When building dockerfile and launching containers using docker-compose, How to maintain secrets safely, without exposing it to text files? any code snippet...

like image 669
overexchange Avatar asked Oct 17 '19 15:10


People also ask

How do I update Docker secrets?

Note: After you create a secret, you cannot update it. You can only remove and re-create it, and you cannot remove a secret that a service is using. However, you can grant or revoke a running service's access to secrets using docker service update .

Can I use Docker secrets without Swarm?

Yes, you can use secrets if you use a compose file. (You don't need to run a swarm). You use a compose file with docker-compose: there is documentation for "secrets" in a docker-compose. yml file.

1 Answers

You can use the integration between ECS and Secrets Manager to put the references to the secrets stored in Secrets Manager in the ECS task definition and then reference them as environment varialbles. The ECS docs provide a short tutorial on this (and there are more elaborate blog posts).

like image 93
JoeB Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11
