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How to Maintain Correct Javascript Event After Using cloneNode(true)

I have a form element that contains multiple lines of inputs. Think of each line as attributes of a new object that I want to create in my web application. And, I want to be able to create multiple new objects in one HTTP POST. I'm using Javascript's built-in cloneNode(true) method to clone each line. The problem is that each input-line also has a removal link attached to its onclick-event:

// prototype based
<div class="input-line">
    <input .../>
    <a href="#" onclick="$(this).up().remove();"> Remove </a>

When the cloned input-line's removal link is clicked, it also removes any input-lines that were cloned from the same dom object. Is it possible to rebind the "this" object to the proper anchor tag after using cloneNode(true) on the above DOM element?

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newtonapple Avatar asked Aug 27 '08 06:08


1 Answers

Don't put handler on each link (this really should be a button, BTW). Use event bubbling to handle all buttons with one handler:

formObject.onclick = function(e)
    e=e||event; // IE sucks
    var target = e.target||e.srcElement; // and sucks again

    // target is the element that has been clicked
    if (target && target.className=='remove') 
        return false; // stop event from bubbling elsewhere


  <button type=button class=remove>Remove without JS handler!</button>
like image 65
Kornel Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 15:10
