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Using Array.at(index) instead of Array[index] in JavaScript

I have a question about Array.at() method that was introduced Array.prototype.at() - MDN. It seems more useful than squared brackets annotation arr[i] since there is an option to specify index starting from the end of an array, for example: arr.at(-1) which would return the last member of arr array. Also, it seems more appropriate for method chaining. Are there any downsides to switching to it?

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Ilija Ivic Avatar asked Dec 23 '21 02:12

Ilija Ivic

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1 Answers

A couple of disadvantages to it are:

  • It's a very new method. Older browsers will not be able to understand your code if you use it, unless you include a polyfill - so make sure you include one..
  • On a completely different track, since it's such a new method, I wouldn't be surprised if a substantial number of developers haven't heard about it - using .at may confuse some of them (and cause them to have to look it up). Not that this means that you shouldn't use it, but it's something to keep in mind.
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CertainPerformance Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09
