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How to maintain Chrome "enable request blocking" after closing dev tools?

I am talking about the feature in Chrome, opening the 3-dot-menu at the top right of the dev tools > More tools > Request blocking

This feature is amazing, and it remembers the domains/urls to block, however every time you close the dev tools it un-checks the box "Enable request blocking".

I want to block some stuff all the time, regardless of whether the dev tools are open... Is there a way to keep this from un-checking itself? It is possible to keep it open in the background, but it doesn't even transfer to a new tab if the current tab opens a new one. Perhaps there are some new flags that can be set in newer versions (now we are on Chrome 79, and this question was originally asked with Chrome 63).

enter image description here

like image 696
Nando Avatar asked Jan 18 '18 15:01


People also ask

How do I enable requesting blocks in Chrome?

Right-click on the request in the Network panel and select Block Request URL. A new Request blocking tab pops up in the Drawer, which lets you manage blocked requests.

How do I stop DevTools from popping up in Chrome?

Start Google Chrome with the “—disable-dev-tools” command line switch to prevent the “Developer Tools” feature from running.

1 Answers

Opened up a chrome ticket to add this. If you think this would be a useful feature, then voting there will help get it on the radar. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1269320

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runfaj Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10
