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How to look up an NHibernate entity's table mapping from the type of the entity?

Once I've mapped my domain in NHibernate, how can I reverse lookup those mappings somewhere else in my code?


The entity Pony is mapped to a table named "AAZF1203" for some reason. (Stupid legacy database table names!) I want to find out that table name from the NH mappings using only the typeof(Pony) because I have to write a query elsewhere.

How can I make the following test pass?

private const string LegacyPonyTableName = "AAZF1203";

public void MakeSureThatThePonyEntityIsMappedToCorrectTable()
    string ponyTable = GetNHibernateTableMappingFor(typeof(Pony));
    Assert.AreEqual(LegacyPonyTableName, ponyTable);

In other words, what does the GetNHibernateTableMappingFor(Type t) need to look like?

like image 935
snicker Avatar asked Mar 11 '10 23:03


2 Answers

At which point do you need that information?

Because it depends on what you have...

Not long ago I had to get the table name from an audit event listener, and I used this:

IPostDatabaseOperationEventArgs args //parameter
var tableName = ((ILockable)args.Persister).RootTableName.ToLower();

You could also get it from the session...

                   .GetEntityPersister(null, new Pony())).RootTableName
like image 149
Diego Mijelshon Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Diego Mijelshon

I have found this to work to get the name of the table where the entities are persisted.

  1. You have to have an instance of NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration
  2. You request an instance of NHibernate.Mapping.Table for the given persistent type.
  3. The Name property of the Table instance corresponds to the name of the the table where the entities are persisted.

See the code below.

NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration config = new Configuration();
The initialisation here like config.AddAssembly(... and so forth
NHibernate.Mapping.Table table = config.GetClassMapping(typeof(T)).RootTable;
String NameOfTableOfInterest = table.Name;

This could be wrapped in a function like so

public static String GetTableName<T>(NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration config)
    return config.GetClassMapping(typeof(T)).RootTable.Name;

NOTE: Strange enough, the properties Catalog and Schema of theNHibernate.Mapping.Table` have no value. At least, not in my case.

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Mike de Klerk Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Mike de Klerk