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How to load image with spinner in angular2

my app got many images with descriptions. When user navigates these text is coming first and image is loading with some delay. I would like to add a spinner here. A directive which shows spinner while loading the image and shows image like

<myimgdir [src]='myimage.png'></myimgdir>

How to add spinner and track the image is loaded or not and display it?

like image 917
Mujibur Rahman Avatar asked Jun 21 '16 05:06

Mujibur Rahman

2 Answers

I think the most easiest way is to use the onError event on the img element. You can use it Like:

<img [src]="image.src" onError="this.src='assets/my/fancy/loader.gif';">
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Peter Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10


In your controller, add a function to to handle the 'onLoad' event, setting the state to {loading: false}:

loading: boolean = true
onLoad() {
    this.loading = false;

In your template, render a loading gif (or whatever you want) while the state has loading === true, the tricky part is that you should just hide the img element with [hidden]="true/false" as opposed to prevent it from rendering so it will actually load the src, then just bind the onLoad function in your controller to the (load) event on the actual image:

<img *ngIf="loading" src="/assets/loading.gif" alt="loading" />
<img [hidden]="loading" (load)="onLoad()" src="{{ source }}" />

This solution is functionally the same as AngJobs's, but it's more declarative and a little less cumbersome IMO.

PS: Using [hidden]="boolean" instead of *ngIf is a bit of a gotcha, you should look to http://angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/04/5-rookie-mistakes-to-avoid-with-angular.html to understand why and for a solution on how to apply it safely.

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perezperret Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10
