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How to load dll's during debug in VS2013

I have some code

var aa = a();

While debugging, I set a breakpoint on the b() call. Then going to the immediate window, I'd like to be able to execute code from a DLL that is in my project but is not yet loaded. Say I want a new Boo and call Foo(). The code is in the namespace Baz in dll Spongle.dll.

When I type

>> new Baz.Boo().Foo(aa)

I get the error: The type or namespace name 'Baz' is not valid in this scope.

If I change my code such that my Boo is already loaded it works fine.

new Boo(); // dummy to ensure loading
var aa = a();

Is it possible to load the dll from the immediate window during debug so I can call my code despite it being loaded (yet)?. I could use the new Boo() as a static initializer of my application main class, but then I have problems during unit testing as it won't necesarily involve the class with that static initializer.

like image 739
Carlo V. Dango Avatar asked Apr 23 '15 20:04

Carlo V. Dango

People also ask

How do I use PDB debugging?

The easiest way to use the PDB file is to let Visual Studio do the heavy lifting - either launch your program with Visual Studio's "Debug" command (F5 by default), or run the program and use the "Attach to Process" item in Visual Studio's Debug menu.

How do I Debug a referenced dll in Visual Studio?

If it is a file (dll) reference, you need the debugging symbols (the "pdb" file) to be in the same folder as the dll. Check that your projects are generating debug symbols (project properties => Build => Advanced => Output / Debug Info = full); and if you have copied the dll, put the pdb with it.

1 Answers

Although heavy, you can of course use reflection to load the assembly for that test.

The following would not work:

var obj = new Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject();

since the assembly isn't yet present. However, if I explicitly load it first via reflection and an absolute path to my bin, I can instantiate the object just fine.

var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile("C:\\AbsolutePath\\bin\\Debug\\Newtonsoft.Json.dll");
var obj = new Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject();

The reason for this necessity from the Immediate Window is that as your application (or unit test boostrapped application in this case) loads, it looks for references throughout the code and loads the required assemblies to satisfy your needs. In your case, you don't have an explicit reference to the assembly in your code, so it isn't loaded. The immediate window has no context and, as such, you have to explicitly load it.

To programatically reference potential assemblies to load, you can use the bin directory of the loaded assembly. This allows you to pull the absolute path at runtime.

var filePath = new Uri(this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase).LocalPath;
var bin = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(bin + "\\Newtonsoft.Json.dll");
like image 154
David L Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10

David L