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How to list all existing loggers using python.logging module

Is there a way in Python to get a list of all defined loggers?

I mean, does something exist such as logging.getAllLoggers() which would return a list of Logger objects?

I searched the python.logging documentation but couldn't find such a method.

Thank you in advance.

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mistiru Avatar asked Nov 11 '18 13:11


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Python comes with a logging module in the standard library that provides a flexible framework for emitting log messages from Python programs. This module is widely used by libraries and is the first go-to point for most developers when it comes to logging.

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1 Answers

Loggers are held in a hierarchy by a logging.Manager instance. You can interrogate the manager on the root logger for the loggers it knows about.

import logging  loggers = [logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict] 

Calling getLogger(name) ensures that any placeholder loggers held by loggerDict are fully initialized when they are added to the list.

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Will Keeling Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10

Will Keeling