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Abstract attribute (not property)?

What's the best practice to define an abstract instance attribute, but not as a property?

I would like to write something like:

class AbstractFoo(metaclass=ABCMeta):      @property     @abstractmethod     def bar(self):         pass  class Foo(AbstractFoo):      def __init__(self):         self.bar = 3 

Instead of:

class Foo(AbstractFoo):      def __init__(self):         self._bar = 3      @property     def bar(self):         return self._bar      @bar.setter     def setbar(self, bar):         self._bar = bar      @bar.deleter     def delbar(self):         del self._bar 

Properties are handy, but for simple attribute requiring no computation they are an overkill. This is especially important for abstract classes which will be subclassed and implemented by the user (I don't want to force someone to use @property when he just could have written self.foo = foo in the __init__).

Abstract attributes in Python question proposes as only answer to use @property and @abstractmethod: it doesn't answer my question.

The ActiveState recipe for an abstract class attribute via AbstractAttribute may be the right way, but I am not sure. It also only works with class attributes and not instance attributes.

like image 914
Lapinot Avatar asked May 23 '14 14:05


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Abstract classes make sure that derived classes implement methods and properties defined in the abstract base class. Abstract base class can't be instantiated. We use @abstractmethod to define a method in the abstract base class and combination of @property and @abstractmethod in order to define an abstract property.

1 Answers

A possibly a bit better solution compared to the accepted answer:

from better_abc import ABCMeta, abstract_attribute    # see below  class AbstractFoo(metaclass=ABCMeta):      @abstract_attribute     def bar(self):         pass  class Foo(AbstractFoo):     def __init__(self):         self.bar = 3  class BadFoo(AbstractFoo):     def __init__(self):         pass 

It will behave like this:

Foo()     # ok BadFoo()  # will raise: NotImplementedError: Can't instantiate abstract class BadFoo # with abstract attributes: bar 

This answer uses same approach as the accepted answer, but integrates well with built-in ABC and does not require boilerplate of check_bar() helpers.

Here is the better_abc.py content:

from abc import ABCMeta as NativeABCMeta  class DummyAttribute:     pass  def abstract_attribute(obj=None):     if obj is None:         obj = DummyAttribute()     obj.__is_abstract_attribute__ = True     return obj   class ABCMeta(NativeABCMeta):      def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):         instance = NativeABCMeta.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)         abstract_attributes = {             name             for name in dir(instance)             if getattr(getattr(instance, name), '__is_abstract_attribute__', False)         }         if abstract_attributes:             raise NotImplementedError(                 "Can't instantiate abstract class {} with"                 " abstract attributes: {}".format(                     cls.__name__,                     ', '.join(abstract_attributes)                 )             )         return instance 

The nice thing is that you can do:

class AbstractFoo(metaclass=ABCMeta):     bar = abstract_attribute() 

and it will work same as above.

Also one can use:

class ABC(ABCMeta):     pass 

to define custom ABC helper. PS. I consider this code to be CC0.

This could be improved by using AST parser to raise earlier (on class declaration) by scanning the __init__ code, but it seems to be an overkill for now (unless someone is willing to implement).

2021: typing support

You can use:

from typing import cast, Any, Callable, TypeVar   R = TypeVar('R')   def abstract_attribute(obj: Callable[[Any], R] = None) -> R:     _obj = cast(Any, obj)     if obj is None:         _obj = DummyAttribute()     _obj.__is_abstract_attribute__ = True     return cast(R, _obj) 

which will let mypy highlight some typing issues

class AbstractFooTyped(metaclass=ABCMeta):      @abstract_attribute     def bar(self) -> int:         pass   class FooTyped(AbstractFooTyped):     def __init__(self):         # skipping assignment (which is required!) to demonstrate         # that it works independent of when the assignment is made         pass   f_typed = FooTyped() _ = f_typed.bar + 'test'   # Mypy: Unsupported operand types for + ("int" and "str")   FooTyped.bar = 'test'    # Mypy: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", variable has type "int") FooTyped.bar + 'test'    # Mypy: Unsupported operand types for + ("int" and "str") 

and for the shorthand notation, as suggested by @SMiller in the comments:

class AbstractFooTypedShorthand(metaclass=ABCMeta):     bar: int = abstract_attribute()   AbstractFooTypedShorthand.bar += 'test'   # Mypy: Unsupported operand types for + ("int" and "str") 
like image 199
krassowski Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
