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How to limit the number of threads created for an asynchronous Seq.map operation in F#?

The current setup goes something like this

|> Seq.map (fun item -> async { return f item})
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously

The problem is, this tends to create too many threads and crash the application periodically.

How to limit the number of threads in this case (to, say, Environment.ProcessorCount)?

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Alexander Avatar asked Sep 17 '10 22:09


2 Answers

Since 2018 pull request there is a built-in option in F# Core via a second overload of Async.Parallel F# doc

|> Seq.map (fun item -> async { return f item})
|> fun computations -> Async.Parallel(computations, maxDegreeOfParallelism = 20)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
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HTC Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09


If you want to parallelize CPU-intensive calculation that takes an array (or any sequence) as an input, then it may be a better idea to use PSeq module from the F# PowerPack (which is available only on .NET 4.0 though). It provides a parallel versions of many standard Array.xyz functions. For more information, you can also look at F# translation of Parallel Programming with .NET samples.

The code to solve your problem would be a bit simpler than using workflows:

array |> PSeq.map f
      |> PSeq.toArray 

Some differences between the two options are:

  • PSeq is created using Task Parallel Library (TPL) from .NET 4.0, which is optimized for working with a large number of CPU-intensive tasks.
  • Async is implemented in F# libraries and supports asynchronous (non-blocking) operations such as I/O in the concurrently running operations.

In summary, if you need asynchronous operations (e.g. I/O) then Async is the best option. If you have a large number of CPU-intensive tasks, then PSeq may be a better choice (on .NET 4.0)

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Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Tomas Petricek