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Synchronised VS Striped Lock

I have a class that is accessed by multiple threads, and I want to make sure it's thread safe. Plus it needs to be as fast as possible. This is just an example:

public class SharedClass {
  private final Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
  private final Striped<ReadWriteLock> rwLockStripes = Striped.readWriteLock(100);

  public void setSomethingFastVersion(String key, String value) {
    ReadWriteLock rwLock = rwLockStripes.get(key);
    try {
    } finally{

    data.put(key, value);

  public synchronized void setSomethingSlowVersion(String key, String value) {
    data.put(key, value);

I'm using StripedLock from Google Guava in one version, and a normal synchronized on the other one.

Am I right saying that the Guava version should be faster?

If so, what would be a good use case for synchronized, where the StripedLocks would not fit?

BTW, I know I could use a simple ConcurrentHashMap here, but I'm adding the example code to make sure you understand my question.

like image 544
Will Avatar asked Feb 01 '17 19:02


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1 Answers

Synchronized has been around for ages. It's not really surprising that we nowadays have more advanced mechanisms for concurrent programming.

However striped locks are advantageous only in cases where something can be partitioned or striped, such as locking parts of a map allowing different parts to be manipulated at the same time, but blocking simultaneous manipulations to the same stripe. In many cases you don't have that kind of partitioning, you're just looking for a mutex. In those cases synchronized is still a viable option, although a ReadWriteLock might be a better choice depending on the situation.

A ConcurrentHashMap has internal partitioning similar to stripes, but it applies only to the map operations such as put(). With an explicit StripedLock you can make longer operations atomic, while still allowing concurrency when operations don't touch the same stripe.

like image 131
Kayaman Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09
