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How to let pyspark display the whole query plan instead of ... if there are many fields?

Spark v2.4

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .master('local[15]') \
    .appName('Notebook') \
    .config('spark.sql.debug.maxToStringFields', 2000) \
    .config('spark.sql.maxPlanStringLength', 2000) \
    .config('spark.debug.maxToStringFields', 2000) \

df = spark.createDataFrame(spark.range(1000).rdd.map(lambda x: range(100)))

df = spark.read.parquet('test.parquet')

== Physical Plan ==

 ReadSchema: struct<_1:bigint,_2:bigint,_3:bigint,_4:bigint,_5:bigint,_6:bigint,_7:bigint,_8:bigint,_9:bigint,...

Note: spark.debug.maxToStringFields helped a bit by expanding FileScan parquet [_1#302L,_2#303L,... 76 more fields], but not the schema part.

Note2: I am not only interested in the ReadSchema, but also PartitionFilters, PushedFilters ... which are all truncated.


Spark 3.0 introduced explain('formatted') which layouts the information differently and no truncation is applied.

like image 644
colinfang Avatar asked Mar 20 '19 13:03


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How do I check my explain plan in PySpark?

explain(mode=”simple”) which will display the physical plan. explain(mode=”extended”) which will display physical and logical plans (like “extended” option) explain(mode=”codegen”) which will display the java code planned to be executed.

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To get the schema of the Spark DataFrame, use printSchema() on Spark DataFrame object. From the above example, printSchema() prints the schema to console( stdout ) and show() displays the content of the Spark DataFrame.

What is the difference between logical and physical plans when we evaluate a query?

Logical Plan just depicts what I expect as output after applying a series of transformations like join, filter, where, groupBy, etc clause on a particular table. Physical Plan is responsible for deciding the type of join, the sequence of the execution of filter, where, groupBy clause, etc.

1 Answers

I am afraid there is no easy way


It is hard coded to be no more than 100 chars

  override def simpleString: String = {
    val metadataEntries = metadata.toSeq.sorted.map {
      case (key, value) =>
        key + ": " + StringUtils.abbreviate(redact(value), 100)

In the end I have been using

def full_file_meta(f: FileSourceScanExec) = {
    val metadataEntries = f.metadata.toSeq.sorted.flatMap {
      case (key, value) if Set(
          "Location", "PartitionCount",
          "PartitionFilters", "PushedFilters"
      ).contains(key) =>
        Some(key + ": " + value.toString)
      case other => None

    val metadataStr = metadataEntries.mkString("[\n  ", ",\n  ", "\n]")


val ep = data.queryExecution.executedPlan

print(ep.flatMap {
    case f: FileSourceScanExec => full_file_meta(f)::Nil
    case other => Nil

It is a hack and better than nothing.

like image 70
colinfang Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10
