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How to know when to send a 304 Not Modified response

I'm writing a resource handling method where I control access to various files, and I'd like to be able to make use of the browser's cache. My question is two-fold:

  1. Which are the definitive HTTP headers that I need to check in order to know for sure whether I should send a 304 response, and what am I looking for when I do check them?

  2. Additionally, are there any headers that I need to send when I initially send the file (like 'Last-Modified') as a 200 response?

Some psuedo-code would probably be the most useful answer.

What about the cache-control header? Can the various possible values of that affect what you send to the client (namely max-age) or should only if-modified-since be obeyed?

like image 423
tags2k Avatar asked Aug 07 '08 07:08


1 Answers

Here's how I implemented it. The code has been working for a bit more than a year and with multiple browsers, so I think it's pretty reliable. This is based on RFC 2616 and by observing what and when the various browsers were sending.

Here's the pseudocode:

server_etag = gen_etag_for_this_file(myfile)
etag_from_browser = get_header("Etag")

if etag_from_browser does not exist:
    etag_from_browser = get_header("If-None-Match")
if the browser has quoted the etag:
    strip the quotes (e.g. "foo" --> foo)

set server_etag into http header

if etag_from_browser matches server_etag
    send 304 return code to browser

Here's a snippet of my server logic that handles this.

/* the client should set either Etag or If-None-Match */
/* some clients quote the parm, strip quotes if so    */
mketag(etag, &sb);

etagin = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Etag");
if (etagin == NULL)
    etagin = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "If-None-Match");
if (etag != NULL && etag[0] == '"') {
    int sl; 
    sl = strlen(etag);
    memmove(etag, etag+1, sl+1);
    etag[sl-2] = 0;
apr_table_add(r->headers_out, "ETag", etag);
if (etagin != NULL && strcmp(etagin, etag) == 0) {
    /* if the etag matches, we return a 304 */

If you want some help with etag generation post another question and I'll dig out some code that does that as well. HTH!

like image 54
Mark Harrison Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Mark Harrison