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How to know if a field is numeric in Linq To SQL

I need to select the rows of a table where a column value is numeric, any Help?

EDIT: I have a varchar column and I need to select the ones that are numbers and the ones that are not.

EDIT 2: Integer.TryParse cannot be use because it cannot be translate to SQL.

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Jedi Master Spooky Avatar asked Feb 17 '09 18:02

Jedi Master Spooky

3 Answers

I don't know if there is a mapping for int.TryParse() in LinqToSQL, but you could probably do it in two steps by performing the query, casting to a List, then selecting out of the list with LinqToObjects.

int i;
var query = context.Table.ToList();
var intQuery = query.Where( t => int.TryParse( t.Column, out i ) );

You might want to look at Dynamic LINQ, too. That would allow you to do something like:

var query = context.Table.Where( "IsNumeric(Column)" );

EDIT Dynamic LINQ is available in the VS2008 Code Samples, linked to from Scott Guthrie's blog, which I've linked above.

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tvanfosson Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11


Open up your DBML (LINQ-to-SQL) file in an XML editor, go down to the end of the file and paste this just before the '</Database>' node:

<Function Name="ISNUMERIC" IsComposable="true">
    <Parameter Name="Expression" Parameter="Expression" Type="System.String" DbType="NVarChar(4000)" />
    <Return Type="System.Boolean" DbType="BIT NOT NULL"/>

Now, you can use the already-in-SQL function called "ISNUMERIC". Here's how:

var blah = myDataContext.Accounts.Where(account=>
    myDataContext.ISNUMERIC(account.ID) == true);

There you go :)

You may also find these functions useful to copy:

<Function Name="RAND" IsComposable="true">
  <Return Type="System.Double" DbType="Float NOT NULL" />
<Function Name="NEWID" IsComposable="true">
  <Return Type="System.Guid" DbType="UniqueIdentifier NOT NULL" />
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Timothy Khouri Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11

Timothy Khouri



For example:

    private int GetLastGoodNumber(string PartNum)
        return (from row in Db.SerialNo
                   row.PartNum == PartNum
                let nullable = System.Data.Objects.SqlClient.SqlFunctions.IsNumeric(row.SerialNumber)
                where nullable != null
                select nullable.Value).Max();
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Josh Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 07:11
