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How to know bootstrap version in rails

I'm using bootstrap-sass ( in my Rails project.

How can I know the twitter bootstrap itself's version?

I found this question, but there were no answer for Rails environment.

How to identify bootstrap version? - Stack Overflow

following @Avdept's answer

$ bundle exec gem which bootstrap-sass
$ cd /Users/ironsand/.rbenv/versions/2.1.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/bootstrap-sass-
$ find . -name "*.css"
$ find . -name "_bootstrap.scss"

So I couldn't find bootstrap.css in which there is version number.

like image 967
ironsand Avatar asked Feb 06 '15 10:02


1 Answers

In most cases inside gems are same css as in original version. You can find path of where your gem installed using

gem which bootstrap-sass

Then just go to this folder, find css file and check top of css file

like image 172
Avdept Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
