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How to kill tensorboard with Tensorflow2 (jupyter, Win)

sorry for the noob question, but how do I kill the Tensorflow PID?

It says:

Reusing TensorBoard on port 6006 (pid 5128), started 4 days, 18:03:12 ago. (Use '!kill 5128' to kill it.)

But I can not find any PID 5128 in the windows taks manager. Using '!kill 5128' within jupyter the error returns that comand kill cannot be found. Using it in the Windows cmd or conda cmd does not work either.

Thanks for your help.

like image 255
Florida Man Avatar asked May 08 '19 08:05

Florida Man

People also ask

How do I launch TensorBoard from Jupyter notebook?

In the navigation pane, click Workspaces, then select Jupyter and launch a new workspace. From the Files tab in the workspace, click New > Tensorboard. You can access TensorBoard from the Running tab.

1 Answers

If you clear the contents of AppData/Local/Temp/.tensorboard-info, and delete your logs, you should be able to have a fresh start

like image 70
VincFort Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09
