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Numpy: Efficient way to convert indices of a square matrix to its upper triangular indices [closed]

Question: given a tuple of index, return its order in upper triangular indices. Here is an example:

Suppose we have a square matrix A of shape (3, 3).

A has 6 upper triangular indices, namely, (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2).

Now I know an element at index (1, 2), which is a index belongs to the upper triangular part of A. I would like to return 4 (which means it is the 5th element in all upper triangular indices.)

Any ideas on how to do that in general?

Best, Zhihao

like image 433
Zhihao Cui Avatar asked Nov 09 '18 21:11

Zhihao Cui

1 Answers

One can write down the explicit formula:

def utr_idx(N, i, j):
    return (2*N+1-i)*i//2 + j-i


>>> N = 127
>>> X = np.transpose(np.triu_indices(N))
>>> utr_idx(N, *X[2123])
like image 173
Paul Panzer Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11

Paul Panzer