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How to kill Django runserver sub processes from a bash script?

I'm working on a Django website where I have various compilation programs that need to run (Compass/Sass, coffeescript, hamlpy), so I made this shell script for convenience:


echo "RMX using siteroot=$SITE"
$SITE/rmx/manage.py runserver &
compass watch $SITE/media/compass/ &
coffee -o $SITE/media/js -cw $SITE/media/coffee &
hamlpy-watcher $SITE/templates/hamlpy $SITE/templates/templates &

trap "echo PIDS: ${PIDS[*]} && kill ${PIDS[*]}" SIGINT


Everything except for the Django server shuts down nicely on a ctrl+c because the PID of the server process isn't the PID of the python manage.py runserver command. Which means everytime I stop the script, I have to find the running process PID and shut it down.

Here's an example:

$> ./compile.sh
   RMX using siteroot....
   PIDS: 29725 29726 29728 29729
$> ps -A | grep python
   29732 pts/2    00:00:00 python

The first PID, 29725, is the initial python manage.py runserver call, but 29732 is the actual dev server process.

edit Looks like this is due to Django's auto-reload feature which can be disabled with the --noreload flag. Since I'd like to keep the auto reload feature, the question now becomes how to kill the child processes from the bash script. I would think killing the initial python runserver command would do it...

like image 557
jjt Avatar asked May 30 '12 17:05


1 Answers


Thanks to this SO question, I've changed my script to this:


echo "RMX using siteroot=$SITE"
$SITE/rmx/manage.py runserver &
compass watch $SITE/media/compass/ &
coffee -o $SITE/media/js -cw $SITE/media/coffee &
hamlpy-watcher $SITE/templates/hamlpy $SITE/templates/templates &

trap "kill -TERM -$$" SIGINT


PIDs preceded with the dash operate on the PID group with the kill command, and the $$ references the PID of the bash script itself.

Thanks for the help, me!
No problem, self, and hey -- you're awesome.

like image 145
jjt Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
