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How to kill a process synchronously on Linux?





When I call kill() on a process, it returns immediately, because it just send a signal. I have a code where I am checking some (foreign, not written nor modifiable by me) processes in a loop infinitely and if they exceed some limits (too much ram eaten etc) it kills them (and write to a syslog etc).

Problem is that when processes are heavily swapped, it takes many seconds to kill them, and because of that, my process executes the same check against same processes multiple times and attempts to send the signal many times to same process, and write this to syslog as well. (this is not done on purpose, it's just a side effect which I am trying to fix)

I don't care how many times it send a signal to process, but I do care how many times it writes to syslog. I could keep a list of PID's that were already sent the kill signal, but in theory, even if there is low probability, there could be another process spawned with same pid as previously killed one had, which might also be supposed to be killed and in this case, the log would be missing.

I don't know if there is unique identifier for any process, but I doubt so. How could I kill a process either synchronously, or keep track of processes that got signal and don't need to be logged again?

like image 785
Petr Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 21:11


People also ask

How do you kill a group of processes in Linux?

If it is a process group you want to kill, just use the kill(1) command but instead of giving it a process number, give it the negation of the group number. For example to kill every process in group 5112, use kill -TERM -- -5112 .

Is kill synchronous?

kill cannot be synchronous as it only sends a signal.

What is kill 15 in Linux?

Basically, the kill -15 is a term signal, which the process could catch to trigger a graceful shutdown, closing pipes, sockets, & files, cleaning up temp space, etc, so to be useful it should give some time.

1 Answers

Even if you could do a "synchronous kill", you still have the race condition where you could kill the wrong process. It can happen whenever the process you want to kill exits by its own volition, or by third-party action, after you see it but before you kill it. During this interval, the PID could be assigned to a new process. There is basically no solution to this problem. PIDs are inherently a local resource that belongs to the parent of the identified process; use of the PID by any other process is a race condition.

If you have more control over the system (for example, controlling the parent of the processes you want to kill) then there may be special-case solutions. There might also be (Linux-specific) solutions based on using some mechanisms in /proc to avoid the race, though I'm not aware of any.

One other workaround may be to use ptrace on the target process as if you're going to debug it. This allows you to partially "steal" the parent role, avoiding invalidation of the PID while you're still using it and allowing you to get notification when the process terminates. You'd do something like:

  1. Check the process info (e.g. from /proc) to determine that you want to kill it.
  2. ptrace it, temporarily stopping it.
  3. Re-check the process info to make sure you got the process you wanted to kill.
  4. Resume the traced process.
  5. kill it.
  6. Wait (via waitpid) for notification that the process exited.
like image 170
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 17:09