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How to keep observable alive after error in RxJS 6 and Angular 6

Can anyone help with the scenario where this._getReactions$.next() not working whenever this.http.get(...) gets an error. I want to keep observable alive to take the next input.

private _getReactions$: Subject<any> = new Subject();

 constructor() {
    switchMap(() => {
        return this.http.get(...)
        // http request 
    catchError(error => {
      return empty();
  .subscribe(data => {
      //results handling

onClick() {
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Krishna Avatar asked Sep 17 '18 14:09


2 Answers

If observable dies it calls it error handler and they are closed you can't send anything through them that means they are closed everything upstream from that including the interval is dead.

what if we want to live.

sheilding the main observer chain is the solution
put catch inside of switchmap whenever a request is fired switchmap creates the ajax observable and this time with the catch.
switchmap has a behavior that it says my source is not completed yet so I don't really care if the child completes I gonna keep going.

 constructor() {
    .pipe(tap(value => { this.loading = true; return value }),
      switchMap(() => {
        return this.http.get(...).pipe(
          catchError((error) => this.handleError(error)))
        // http request
    .subscribe(data => {
      //results handling
      this.error = false;
      this.loading = false

private handleError(error: HttpErrorResponse) {

  this.error = true;
  this.loading = false
  return empty();

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PS: nesting within any flattening operator, such as mergeMap, concatMap, exhaustMap and other flattening operators would also work.

like image 185
Vikas Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


I have made a way to fix this for all the request

Create a loader file where all request will be executed


import { Observable, Subject, Subscription, EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class Loader<T1, T> {
  private _requestQueue: Subject<T1>;
  private _errorQueue: Subject<Error>;
  private _resultQueue: Observable<T>;
  private _loaded = false;

  constructor(loaderFunction: (T1) => Observable<T>) {
    this._requestQueue = new Subject<T1>();
    this._errorQueue = new Subject<Error>();
    this._resultQueue = this._requestQueue.pipe(
      switchMap(_ => {
        this._loaded = false;
        return loaderFunction(_).pipe(
          catchError(error => {
            this._loaded = true;
            // Returning EMPTY observable won't complete the stream
            return EMPTY;
      map(_ => {
        this._loaded = true;
        return _;

  public load(arg?: T1): void {

  public subscribe(successFn: (T) => any, errorFn?: (error: any) => void, 
    completeFn?: () => void): Subscription {
    this._errorQueue.subscribe(err => {
    return this._resultQueue.subscribe(successFn, null, completeFn);

  public complete() {
  get loaded(): boolean {
    return this._loaded;

In other files where you will be executing the requests (Easy)

export class Component {
  readonly loader: Loader<ResponseType, RequestParamType>;

  constructor() {
    this.loader = new Loader(param => this.http.get(param));
    this.loader.subscribe(res => {
      // Your stuffs
    }, (error) => { 
      // Error Handling stuffs
    }, () => {
      // on Complete stuffs (Optional)

  ngOnInit() {

  loadData() { // Call this function whenever you want to refresh the data
    this.loader.load(params); // this param will directly passed to the http request

I have defined other params in the loader, which can help you like loading status and option to complete the stream (in ngOnDestroy)

Happy Coding!

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Bhavin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09
