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How to keep null values when writing to csv

I'm writing data from sql server into a csv file using Python's csv module and then uploading the csv file to a postgres database using the copy command. The issue is that Python's csv writer automatically converts Nulls into an empty string "" and it fails my job when the column is an int or float datatype and it tries to insert this "" when it should be a None or null value.

To make it as easy as possible to interface with modules which implement the DB API, the value None is written as the empty string.


What is the best way to keep the null value? Is there a better way to write csvs in Python? I'm open to all suggestions.


I have lat and long values:

42.313270000    -71.116240000
42.377010000    -71.064770000

When writing to csv it converts nulls to "":

with file_path.open(mode='w', newline='') as outfile:
    csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
    if include_headers:
        csv_writer.writerow(col[0] for col in self.cursor.description)
    for row in self.cursor:




Specifies the string that represents a null value. The default is \N (backslash-N) in text format, and an unquoted empty string in CSV format. You might prefer an empty string even in text format for cases where you don't want to distinguish nulls from empty strings. This option is not allowed when using binary format.



What solved the problem for me was changing the quoting to csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL.

csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL Instructs writer objects to only quote those fields which contain special characters such as delimiter, quotechar or any of the characters in lineterminator.

Related questions: - Postgresql COPY empty string as NULL not work

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Jonathan Porter Avatar asked Feb 21 '19 21:02

Jonathan Porter

People also ask

How do I pass a null value in a csv file?

Empty Strings and NULL Values In CSV files, a NULL value is typically represented by two successive delimiters (e.g. ,, ) to indicate that the field contains no data; however, you can use string values to denote NULL (e.g. null ) or any unique string.

How do I read a CSV null value in Python?

Python Pandas – Check for Null values using notnull() Now, on displaying the DataFrame, the CSV data will be displayed in the form of True and False i.e. boolean values because notnull() returns boolean. For Null values, False will get displayed. For Not-Null values, True will get displayed.

How do you handle null values?

Putting the median or mean of the whole column was the simple approach. But I like a bit more specific approach to the median and mean. Instead of taking the median of the whole age column and filling up all the null values, filling up the null values using the mean age of each pclass and 'alive' will be more accurate.

Can null values be avoided?

Nulls cause some queries to return results that are "incorrect" (i.e. the results won't correspond with the intended meaning of the database). Unfortunately SQL and SQL-style databases can make nulls difficult, though not necessarily impossible, to avoid.

4 Answers

You have two options here: change the csv.writing quoting option in Python, or tell PostgreSQL to accept quoted strings as possible NULLs (requires PostgreSQL 9.4 or newer)

Python csv.writer() and quoting

On the Python side, you are telling the csv.writer() object to add quotes, because you configured it to use csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC:

Instructs writer objects to quote all non-numeric fields.

None values are non-numeric, so result in "" being written.

Switch to using csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL or csv.QUOTE_NONE:

Instructs writer objects to only quote those fields which contain special characters such as delimiter, quotechar or any of the characters in lineterminator.

Instructs writer objects to never quote fields. When the current delimiter occurs in output data it is preceded by the current escapechar character.

Since all you are writing is longitude and latitude values, you don't need any quoting here, there are no delimiters or quotecharacters present in your data.

With either option, the CSV output for None values is simple an empty string:

>>> import csv
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> def test_csv_writing(rows, quoting):
...     outfile = StringIO()
...     csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',', quoting=quoting)
...     csv_writer.writerows(rows)
...     return outfile.getvalue()
>>> rows = [
...     [42.313270000, -71.116240000],
...     [42.377010000, -71.064770000],
...     [None, None],
... ]
>>> print(test_csv_writing(rows, csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC))

>>> print(test_csv_writing(rows, csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL))

>>> print(test_csv_writing(rows, csv.QUOTE_NONE))

PostgreSQL 9.4 COPY FROM, NULL values and FORCE_NULL

As of PostgreSQL 9.4, you can also force PostgreSQL to accept quoted empty strings as NULLs, when you use the FORCE_NULL option. From the COPY FROM documentation:


Match the specified columns' values against the null string, even if it has been quoted, and if a match is found set the value to NULL. In the default case where the null string is empty, this converts a quoted empty string into NULL. This option is allowed only in COPY FROM, and only when using CSV format.

Naming the columns in a FORCE_NULL option lets PostgreSQL accept both the empty column and "" as NULL values for those columns, e.g.:

COPY position (
FROM "filename"
    FORMAT csv,
    NULL '',
    DELIMITER ',',
    FORCE_NULL(lon, lat)

at which point it doesn't matter anymore what quoting options you used on the Python side.

Other options to consider

For simple data transformation tasks from other databases, don't use Python

If you already querying databases to collate data to go into PostgreSQL, consider directly inserting into Postgres. If the data comes from other sources, using the foreign data wrapper (fdw) module lets you cut out the middle-man and directly pull data into PostgreSQL from other sources.

Numpy data? Consider using COPY FROM as binary, directly from Python

Numpy data can more efficiently be inserted via binary COPY FROM; the linked answer augments a numpy structured array with the required extra metadata and byte ordering, then efficiently creates a binary copy of the data and inserts it into PostgreSQL using COPY FROM STDIN WITH BINARY and the psycopg2.copy_expert() method. This neatly avoids number -> text -> number conversions.

Persisting data to handle large datasets in a pipeline?

Don't re-invent the data pipeline wheels. Consider using existing projects such as Apache Spark, which have already solved the efficiency problems. Spark lets you treat data as a structured stream, and includes the infrastructure to run data analysis steps in parallel, and you can treat distributed, structured data as Pandas dataframes.

Another option might be to look at Dask to help share datasets between distributed tasks to process large amounts of data.

Even if converting an already running project to Spark might be a step too far, at least consider using Apache Arrow, the data exchange platform Spark builds on top of. The pyarrow project would let you exchange data via Parquet files, or exchange data over IPC.

The Pandas and Numpy teams are quite heavily invested in supporting the needs of Arrow and Dask (there is considerable overlap in core members between these projects) and are actively working to make Python data exchange as efficient as possible, including extending Python's pickle module to allow for out-of-band data streams to avoid unnecessary memory copying when sharing data.

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Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Martijn Pieters

your code

for row in self.cursor:

uses writer as-is, but you don't have to do that. You can filter the values to change some particular values with a generator comprehension and a ternary expression

for row in self.cursor:
    csv_writer.writerow("null" if x is None else x for x in row)
like image 42
Jean-François Fabre Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Jean-François Fabre

You are asking for csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC. This will turn everything that is not a number into a string. You should consider using csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL as it might be more what you are after:

Test Code:

import csv

test_data = (None, 0, '', 'data')
for name, quotes in (('test1.csv', csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC),
                     ('test2.csv', csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)):

    with open(name, mode='w') as outfile:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',', quoting=quotes)





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Stephen Rauch Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Stephen Rauch

I'm writing data from sql server into a csv file using Python's csv module and then uploading the csv file to a postgres database using the copy command.

I believe your true requirement is you need to hop data rows through the filesystem, and as both the sentence above and the question title make clear, you are currently doing that with a csv file. Trouble is that csv format offers poor support for the RDBMS notion of NULL. Let me solve your problem for you by changing the question slightly. I'd like to introduce you to parquet format. Given a set of table rows in memory, it allows you to very quickly persist them to a compressed binary file, and recover them, with metadata and NULLs intact, no text quoting hassles. Here is an example, using the pyarrow 0.12.1 parquet engine:

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow

def round_trip(fspec='/tmp/locations.parquet'):
    rows = [
        dict(lat=42.313, lng=-71.116),
        dict(lat=42.377, lng=-71.065),
        dict(lat=None, lng=None),

    df = pd.DataFrame(rows)

    df2 = pd.read_parquet(fspec)

if __name__ == '__main__':


      lat     lng
0  42.313 -71.116
1  42.377 -71.065
2     NaN     NaN

Once you've recovered the rows in a dataframe you're free to call df2.to_sql() or use some other favorite technique to put numbers and NULLs into a DB table.


If you're able to run .to_sql() on the PG server, or on same LAN, then do that. Otherwise your favorite technique will likely involve .copy_expert(). Why? The summary is that with psycopg2, "bulk INSERT is slow". Middle layers like sqlalchemy and pandas, and well-written apps that care about insert performance, will use .executemany(). The idea is to send lots of rows all at once, without waiting for individual result status, because we're not worried about unique index violations. So TCP gets a giant buffer of SQL text and sends it all at once, saturating the end-to-end channel's bandwidth, much as copy_expert sends a big buffer to TCP to achieve high bandwidth.

In contrast the psycopg2 driver lacks support for high performance executemany. As of 2.7.4 it just executes items one at a time, sending a SQL command across the WAN and waiting a round trip time for the result before sending next command. Ping your server; if ping times suggest you could get a dozen round trips per second, then plan on only inserting about a dozen rows per second. Most of the time is spent waiting for a reply packet, rather than spent processing DB rows. It would be lovely if at some future date psycopg2 would offer better support for this.

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J_H Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10