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How to iterate org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue which is an array of JSON objects to separately work on each object in Scala?





I have a sample array:


which is a org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue.

How is it possible to iterate over each object inside the array, to operate on each object separately?

like image 940
GKVM Avatar asked Jan 20 '16 11:01


1 Answers

The following is your json.

scala> json
res2: org.json4s.JValue = JArray(List(JObject(List((abc,JString(1)), (de,JString(1)))),
        JObject(List((fgh,JString(2)), (ij,JString(4))))))

There are several ways.

  1. use for syntax

    for {
      JArray(objList) <- json
      JObject(obj) <- objList
    } {
      // do something
      val kvList = for ((key, JString(value)) <- obj) yield (key, value)
      println("obj : " + kvList.mkString(","))
  2. convert to scala.collection object

    val list = json.values.asInstanceOf[List[Map[String, String]]]
    //=> list: List[Map[String,String]] = List(Map(abc -> 1, de -> 1), Map(fgh -> 2, ij -> 4))


    implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
    val list = json.extract[List[Map[String,String]]]
    //=> list: List[Map[String,String]] = List(Map(abc -> 1, de -> 1), Map(fgh -> 2, ij -> 4))

    and do something.

    for (obj <- list) println("obj : " + obj.toList.mkString(","))

Both outputs are

obj : (abc,1),(de,1)
obj : (fgh,2),(ij,4)

The document of json4s is here.

like image 153
ixguza Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09
