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How to iterate and extract values out of a for loop in Rust




I'm new to Rust and looking to understand concepts like borrowing. I'm trying to create a simple two dimensional array using standard input. The code:

use std::io;

fn main() {
    let mut values = [["0"; 6]; 6]; // 6 * 6 array

    // iterate 6 times for user input
    for i in 0..6 {
        let mut outputs = String::new();
        io::stdin().read_line(&mut outputs).expect(
            "failed to read line",

        // read space separated list 6 numbers. Eg: 5 7 8 4 3 9
        let values_itr = outputs.trim().split(' ');
        let mut j = 0;
        for (_, value) in values_itr.enumerate() {
            values[i][j] = value;
            j += 1;

This won't compile because the outputs variable lifetime is not long enough:

error[E0597]: `outputs` does not live long enough
  --> src/main.rs:20:5
14 |         let values_itr = outputs.trim().split(' ');
   |                          ------- borrow occurs here
20 |     }
   |     ^ `outputs` dropped here while still borrowed
21 | }
   | - borrowed value needs to live until here

How can I get the iterated values out of the block into values array?

like image 260
vim Avatar asked Jan 07 '16 09:01


People also ask

How do you break a loop in Rust?

Keyword break When associated with loop , a break expression may be used to return a value from that loop. This is only valid with loop and not with any other type of loop. If no value is specified, break; returns () .

What does for loop return Rust?

One of the uses of a loop is to retry an operation until it succeeds. If the operation returns a value though, you might need to pass it to the rest of the code: put it after the break , and it will be returned by the loop expression.

Can a for loop return a value?

You cannot return a value from a for loop in java. Only methods have the privilege of returning values. for loop is a control flow statement whose purpose is to iterate through the number of times till the condition is true. While iterating, you can define statements which needs to be executed.

Does Rust have loop syntax?

Loops. Rust supports four loop expressions: A loop expression denotes an infinite loop. A while expression loops until a predicate is false.

2 Answers

split() gives you substrings (string slices) borrowed from the original string, and the original string is outputs from line 6.

  1. The string slices can't outlive the scope of outputs: when a loop iteration ends, outputs is deallocated. Since values is longer lived, the slices can't be stored there.
  2. We can't borrow slices of outputs across a modification of outputs. So even if the String outputs itself was defined before values, we couldn't easily put the string slices from .split() into values; modifying the string (reading into it) invalidates the slices.

A solution needs to either

  • Use a nested array of String, and when you assign an element from the split iterator, make a String from the &str using .to_string(). I would recommend this solution. (However an array of String is not at as easy to work with, maybe already this requires using Vec instead.) 1
  • Read all input before constructing a nested array of &str that borrows from the input String. This is good if the nested array is something that you only need temporarily.

1: You can use something like vec![vec![String::new(); 6]; 6] instead

like image 68
bluss Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09


This answer was moved from the question, where it solved the OPs needs.

use std::io;

fn main() {
    let mut values = vec![vec![String::new(); 6]; 6];
    for i in 0..6 {
        let mut outputs = String::new();
        io::stdin().read_line(&mut outputs)
                .expect("failed to read line");

        let values_itr = outputs.trim().split(' ');
        let mut j = 0;
        for (_, value) in values_itr.enumerate() {
            values[i][j] = value.to_string();
            j += 1;
like image 28
Shepmaster Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09
