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How to install wget in macOS? [closed]

People also ask

What can I use instead of wget for Mac?

Other interesting Mac alternatives to Wget are cURL, ArchiveBox, HTTPie and webui-aria2. Wget alternatives are mainly Download Managers but may also be Website Downloaders or HTTP Clients.

Why does wget not work on Mac?

If you get the -bash: wget: command not found error on Mac, Linux or Windows, it means that the wget GNU is either not installed or does not work properly. Go back and make sure that you installed wget properly.

How do I get wget in terminal?

Most Linux distributions have Wget installed by default. To check, type wget in your terminal and press ENTER . If it is not installed, it will display: command not found . You can install it by running the following command: sudo apt-get install wget .

Using brew

First install brew:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

And then install wget with brew:

brew install wget

Using MacPorts

First, download and run MacPorts installer (.pkg)

And then install wget:

sudo port install wget

For macOS Sierra, to build wget 1.18 from source with Xcode 8.2.

  1. Install Xcode

  2. Build OpenSSL

    Since Xcode doesn't come with OpenSSL lib, you need build by yourself. I found this: https://github.com/sqlcipher/openssl-xcode, follow instruction and build OpenSSL lib. Then, prepare your OpenSSL directory with "include" and "lib/libcrypto.a", "lib/libssl.a" in it.

    Let's say it is: "/Users/xxx/openssl-xcode/openssl", so there should be "/Users/xxx/openssl-xcode/openssl/include" for OpenSSL include and "/Users/xxx/openssl-xcode/openssl/lib" for "libcrypto.a" and "libssl.a".

  3. Build wget

    Go to wget directory, configure:

    ./configure --with-ssl=openssl --with-libssl-prefix=/Users/xxx/openssl-xcode/openssl

    wget should configure and found OpenSSL, then make:


    wget made out. Install wget:

    make install

    Or just copy wget to where you want.

  4. Configure cert

    You may find wget cannot verify any https connection, because there is no CA certs for the OpenSSL you built. You need to run:

    New way:

    If you machine doesn't have "/usr/local/ssl/" dir, first make it.

    ln -s /etc/ssl/cert.pem /usr/local/ssl/cert.pem

    Old way:

    security find-certificate -a -p /Library/Keychains/System.keychain > cert.pem
    security find-certificate -a -p /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain >> cert.pem

    Then put cert.pem to: "/usr/local/ssl/cert.pem"

    DONE: It should be all right now.

You need to do

./configure --with-ssl=openssl --with-libssl-prefix=/usr/local/ssl

Instead of this

./configure --with-ssl=openssl