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How to install Visual Studio 2017 64bit version explicitly?

People also ask

Is there a 64-bit version of Visual Studio 2017?

Visual Studio 2017 is still a 32Bit application, Microsoft tried to defend their decision to not provide VS as 64bit in various blog posts.

How do I run Visual Studio in 64-bit mode?

From the Visual Studio menu, choose Test, then choose Processor Architecture for AnyCPU projects. Choose x64 to run the tests as a 64-bit process.

Is there a 64-bit version of Visual Studio?

Visual Studio 2022 on Windows is now a 64-bit application.

Visual Studio 2017 is still a 32Bit application, Microsoft tried to defend their decision to not provide VS as 64bit in various blog posts.

So by default 32Bit applications install to C:\Program Files (x86)\ and everything is ok what you see.

// Update

The next Visual Studio Version 2022, will be 64Bit to fix the out of memory issues:

The next major release of Visual Studio will be faster, more approachable, and more lightweight, designed for both learners and those building industrial scale solutions. For the first time ever, Visual Studio will be 64-bit. Visual Studio 2022 will be a 64-bit application, no longer limited to ~4gb of memory in the main devenv.exe process. With a 64-bit Visual Studio on Windows, you can open, edit, run, and debug even the biggest and most complex solutions without running out of memory.