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How to install PrimeFaces from maven in Netbeans? I get warning that taglibrary http://primefaces.org/ui does not exist

I tested to deploy this example from PrimeFaces.

I don't know why it's not working. I get this error message:

Warning: This page calls for xml namespace http://primefaces.org/ui declared with prefix p but no taglibtrary exist for that namespace

I follow this tutorial to properly install the jar. I downloaded the Primefaces jar file and I added it to the resources directory into the WAR file.


I also added the Primefaces.jar file into Glassfish's /modules directory and I added the name of the module into default-web.xml file. It's not working.

What am I missing?

EDIT 2 I was correct the POM file is the problem:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">









                            <!-- Read all OSGi configuration info from this optional file -->
                            <!-- By default, we don't export anything -->
                            <Export-Package>!*.impl.*, *</Export-Package>
                            <DynamicImport-Package>javax.*, org.*, com.sun.faces.*</DynamicImport-Package>

                <plugin> <!-- Need to use this plugin to build war files -->
                    <!-- Use version 2.1-beta-1, as it supports the new property failOnMissingWebXml -->
                            <!-- add bundle plugin generated manifest to the war -->
                            <!-- For some reason, adding Bundle-ClassPath in maven-bundle-plugin
                            confuses that plugin and it generates wrong Import-Package, etc.
                            So, we generate it here.
                    <!-- We don't have a web.xml -->
                <!-- Enable this plugin for all modules -->
            <name>The Glassfish repository</name>
            <name>PrimeFaces Maven Repository</name>  
    <description>Module History Module</description>

These lines must be added in order Primefaces to works:

    <!-- Read all OSGi configuration info from this optional file -->
    <!-- By default, we don't export anything -->
    <Export-Package>!*.impl.*, *</Export-Package>
    <DynamicImport-Package>javax.*, org.*, com.sun.faces.*</DynamicImport-Package>

But I noticed very strange problem. I can use for example simple PrimeFaces tags without managedbeans for example <p:spinner> but if I want to use tags with managed beans the beans are not found. Maybe they are not visible?

like image 811
user1285928 Avatar asked May 30 '12 14:05


1 Answers

I just followed the steps from Primefaces download guide:


Downloading with Maven

PrimeFaces distributions are deployed at the PrimeFaces Repository, to let maven aware of this repository, add the following repository definition to your pom.xml in repositories section.

  <name>PrimeFaces Maven Repository</name>  

And add the dependency configuration as;


After that, I added the Primefaces repository to my Nexus installation and it worked as expected.

I hope it helps you!

like image 200
Eduardo Andrade Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Eduardo Andrade