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How to Inspect Call Stack

Would it be possible to see the CallStack in VBA for MS Access 2003? That is to say, would it be possible to see from what procedure or function another function was called?

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THEn Avatar asked Mar 25 '09 18:03


People also ask

How do I view call stack in Chrome?

View the Call Stack To view the call stack, open DevTools Sources panel and on the right panel, expand the Call Stack panel to see all the current functions in the call stack.

How can I see call stack in Vscode?

To display the call stack window you must first start your code in debug mode. Either start your application using the Step Into command or use a breakpoint to halt execution. You can then show the window by opening the "Debug" menu, expanding its "Windows" submenu and selecting "Call Stack".

What is the method call stack?

The method-call stack (sometimes referred to as the program-execution stack) is a data structure that works behind the scenes to support the method call/return mechanism. It also supports the creation, maintenance and destruction of each called method's local variables.

How deep is the call stack?

The number of levels of calling functions used to differentiate between call sites is called the call stack depth. The call stack depth used in the analysis can be varied to suit your application. By default Freja uses a call stack depth of 1, that is, only the innermost calling function is considered in the analysis.

2 Answers

Yes it's possible, BUT it's not quite usefull!

Private Declare Sub SetMode Lib "vba332.dll" Alias "EbSetMode" (ByVal lngMode As Long)
Private Declare Function GetCallStackCount Lib "vba332.dll" Alias "EbGetCallstackCount" (lngCount As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetCallStackFunction Lib "vba332.dll" Alias "EbGetCallstackFunction" (ByVal Lvl As Long, ByRef strBase As String, ByRef strModule As String, ByRef strFunction As String, ByRef Done As Long) As Long

Before use GetCallStackCount and GetCallStackFunction call SetMode(2), and after SetMode(1).

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user4594176 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


At runtime, View menu -> Call Stack (or press CTRL + L).

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shahkalpesh Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
