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How to insert n number of records in a table in a single command

I want to insert 10000 records in a table and i am currently writing this code in sql server 2005

declare @n decimal(10,0);
set @n = 0;
while ( @n < 10000)
   insert into table1 values (@n+1)
   set @n = @n + 1

in the above code insert command performs 10000 times is there any single command exists to do so.

like image 418
Haider Ali Wajihi Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 08:01

Haider Ali Wajihi

1 Answers

Also you can use sys objects to your advantage:

INSERT INTO table1(n)
SELECT TOP 10000 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.object_id) AS n FROM sys.objects a CROSS JOIN sys.objects b
like image 123
cairnz Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 07:04
