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SQL: Nested SELECT with multiple values in a single field

In my SQL 2005 DB, I have a table with values stored as IDs with relationships to other tables. So in my MyDBO.warranty table, I'm storing product_id instead of product_name in order to save space. The product_name is stored in MyDBO.products.

When the marketing department pulls the demographic information, the query selects the corresponding name for each ID from related tables (trimmed down for brevity):

SELECT w1.warranty_id AS "No.",
       w1.created AS "Register Date" 
       w1.full_name AS "Name", 
       w1.purchase_date AS "Purchased", 
           SELECT p1.product_name
           FROM WarrDBO.products p1 WITH(NOLOCK)
           WHERE p1.product_id = i1.product_id
       ) AS "Product Purchased",
FROM WarrDBO.warranty w1
LEFT OUTER JOIN WarrDBO.warranty_info i1
    ON i1.warranty_id = w1.warranty_id
ORDER BY w1.warranty_id ASC

Now, my problem is that the "accessories" column on the warranty_info table stores several values:

No.     Register Date    Name             Purchased       Accessories
1500    1/1/2008         Smith, John      Some Product    5,7,9
1501    1/1/2008         Hancock, John    Another         2,3
1502    1/1/2008         Brown, James     And Another     2,9

I need to do something similar with "Accessories" that I did with "Product" and pull accessory_name from the MyDBO.accessories table using accessory_id. I'm not sure where to start, because first I'd need to extract the IDs and then somehow concatenate multiple values into a string. So each line would have "accessoryname1,accessoryname2,accessoryname3":

No.     Register Date    Name             Purchased       Accessories
1500    1/1/2008         Smith, John      Some Product    Case,Bag,Padding
1501    1/1/2008         Hancock, John    Another         Wrap,Label
1502    1/1/2008         Brown, James     And Another     Wrap,Padding

How do I do this?

EDIT>> Posting my final code:

I created this function:

  @delimited varchar(50),
  @delimiter varchar(1)
-- Id column can be commented out, not required for sql splitting string
  id INT identity(1,1), -- I use this column for numbering splitted parts
  val INT
  declare @xml xml
  set @xml = N'<root><r>' + replace(@delimited,@delimiter,'</r><r>') + '</r></root>'

  insert into @t(val)
    r.value('.','varchar(5)') as item
  from @xml.nodes('//root/r') as records(r)


And updated my code accordingly:

SELECT w1.warranty_id, 
               WHEN i1.accessories <> '' AND i1.accessories <> 'NULL' AND LEN(i1.accessories) > 0 THEN
                           SELECT ', ' + a1.accessory
                           FROM MyDBO.accessories a1
                           INNER JOIN MyDBO.Split(i1.accessories, ',') a2
                           ON a1.accessory_id = a2.val
                           FOR XML PATH('')
                       ), 1, 1, ''
               ELSE ''
        ) AS "Accessories"
FROM MyDBO.warranty w1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN MyDBO.warranty_info i1
    ON i1.warranty_id = w1.warranty_id
like image 352
Dexter Avatar asked Jan 20 '23 02:01


1 Answers

You could write a table valued function that simply splits comma separated string into XML and turns XML nodes to rows.

See: http://www.kodyaz.com/articles//t-sql-convert-split-delimeted-string-as-rows-using-xml.aspx

Join to accessories through the result of function call, and stuff the result back to comma separated list of names.

Untested code:

SELECT w1.warranty_id AS "No.",
       w1.created AS "Register Date" 
       w1.full_name AS "Name", 
       w1.purchase_date AS "Purchased", 
           SELECT p1.product_name
           FROM WarrDBO.products p1 WITH(NOLOCK)
           WHERE p1.product_id = i1.product_id
       ) AS "Product Purchased",
             ', ' + a.name
           FROM [table-valued-function](i1.accessories) acc_list 
             INNER JOIN accessories a ON acc_list.id = a.id
           FOR XML PATH('')
         ), 1, 1, ''
       ) AS [accessories]
FROM WarrDBO.warranty w1
  LEFT OUTER JOIN WarrDBO.warranty_info i1
    ON i1.warranty_id = w1.warranty_id
ORDER BY w1.warranty_id ASC  
like image 133
Sean Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 11:01
