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How to increase Detail band height dynamically

My requirement is to increase the Detail band height dynamically when the text field has more data. Are there any settings to increase to it?
I am using one textField in the Detail band when it has more information (words), it is displaying only some information.

i.e the words are being cut off. Depending on the detail band height the words are displaying. I would like to increase the band height dynamically when the text field has more data.

like image 370
Chandu Avatar asked Mar 30 '10 11:03


People also ask

How do you stretch a text field in a Jasper report as per dynamic content?

Click on the particular textfield in iReport. On the right side, see TextField properties. Check the option "STRETCH WITH OVERFLOW".

What are bands in Jasper?

Bands are portions of the report template that have a specified height and width and can contain report elements like lines, rectangles, images, and text fields. These bands are filled repeatedly at report-generating time and make up the final document.

2 Answers

First select your field and set following properties (third one is most important):

  1. Position type: float
  2. Stretch type: relative to tallest object
  3. Stretch with overflow: true (checked)
like image 140
Ehtisham Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10


Go to Report level properties. Advanced - Set the Column count and then Print order as Horizontal

like image 35
Arun Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
