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Avoid repeating column header in JRXML

How can I avoid the column name repeating in JRXML? Is there any attribute for avoiding having the column header in each page when generating a report using JRXML and Jasper?

like image 970
MPA Avatar asked Sep 08 '11 11:09


2 Answers

If the header will always be on a specific page (e.g. the first page), you can add


to the band, which will make it only print on page 1. PAGE_NUMBER is an inbuilt variable that is automatically incremented as the report is generated.

like image 170
GenericJon Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10


Set The following parameter into your java code if your using java to fill the report:

parameters.put(JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION, Boolean.TRUE);
like image 23
Moe Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10
