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How can I increment a variable with value of another variable in JasperReports?

I need to make a grand total of the items I'm counting in a subReport. To do that, I think I need to add the value of that variable to another variable for each iteration, or "increment" it by that value. The subReport gets called for each group, and I get a total for that group. I need to add the variable values, rather than database columns/fields.

I'm receiving an integer returnValue from the subReport, which is itself the count of rows in the sub-report. I want to get the grand total, since that subReport is called multiple times for the different results (each for a GROUP) from my main SQL query. I want to add up all the results, but I'm getting a null value. I tried adding an operation to the subReport as a new returnValue and choosing Sum as the operation, but that also yielded a null.

   <variable name="itemCount" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="None"/>
   <variable name="grandCount" 

... <returnValue subreportVariable="countItems" toVariable="itemCount"/>

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sventechie Avatar asked Sep 29 '09 21:09


People also ask

How do you increment a variable in Jasper report?

check your variable calculation type is "sum" or "None". if your calculation type is "None", variable behavior seems normal because I assume that you sum with a constant value. Set the calculation type "Sum" and Reser type "report", Go the textbox on the report that holds your variable. Set the avaluation time "Now".

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2 Answers

Add attribute calculation="Sum" to variable name="grandCount"

or pass grandCount to subreport as parameter

<subreportParameter name="grandCount">

in subreport declare variable countItems with initialValue of parameter grantCount

<variable name="countItems" .... >
   <variableExpression><![CDATA[$P{itemCount} + $P{grandCount}]]></variableExpression>

and return

<returnValue subreportVariable="countItems" toVariable="grandCount" calculation="Sum"/>
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cetnar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09


Im not exactly shure how to write it in JRXML since i use iReport. In iReport, i create a new Variable, with class type "Integer", and calculation type "System" The calculation type is important here.

In the variable expression, you will need something like $V{grandCount} = $V{grandCount} + $V{itemCount}

NOTE: JasperReports render band by band, so you wont be able to use the grandCount variable in a band before the subreport band.

Hope im not too late

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medopal Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
