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How to include CSS file in Symfony 2 and Twig?




I'm playing around with Symfony2, and I have problems including CSS and JS files in Twig template.

I have a bundle named Webs/HomeBundle inside which I have HomeController with indexAction that renders a twig template file:

public function indexAction() {     return $this->render("WebsHomeBundle:Home:index.html.twig"); } 

So this is easy. Now what I want to do, is to include some CSS and JS files inside this Twig template. Template looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>       {% block stylesheets %}         <link href="{{ asset('css/main.css') }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />     {% endblock %} </head> <body> </body> </html> 

The file I would like to include, main.css file is located in:


So my question is basically, how the hell do I include simple CSS file inside Twig template?

I'm using Twig asset() function and it just doesn't hit the right CSS path. Also, I run this command in console:

app/console assets:install web 

This created a new folder


this is just linking to the




  1. Where do you place your asset files, JS, CSS, and images? Is it OK to put them in Bundle/Resources/public folder? Is that the right location for them?
  2. How do you include these asset files in your Twig template using asset function? If they are in public folder, how can I include them?
  3. Should I configure something else?
like image 917
Limeni Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 18:08


People also ask

Is twig a Symfony?

Twig is a PHP template engine. It was created by Symfony developers. Twig files have the extension of . html.

What is block in twig?

Blocks are used for inheritance and act as placeholders and replacements at the same time. They are documented in detail in the documentation for the extends tag. Block names must consist of alphanumeric characters, and underscores. The first char can't be a digit and dashes are not permitted.

How do you make an inline CSS?

CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways: Inline - by using the style attribute inside HTML elements. Internal - by using a <style> element in the <head> section.

2 Answers

You are doing everything right, except passing your bundle path to asset() function.

According to documentation - in your example this should look like below:

{{ asset('bundles/webshome/css/main.css') }} 

Tip: you also can call assets:install with --symlink key, so it will create symlinks in web folder. This is extremely useful when you often apply js or css changes (in this way your changes, applied to src/YouBundle/Resources/public will be immediately reflected in web folder without need to call assets:install again):

app/console assets:install web --symlink 

Also, if you wish to add some assets in your child template, you could call parent() method for the Twig block. In your case it would be like this:

{% block stylesheets %}     {{ parent() }}      <link href="{{ asset('bundles/webshome/css/main.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> {% endblock %} 
like image 90
Vitalii Zurian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Vitalii Zurian

And you can use %stylesheets% (assetic feature) tag:

{% stylesheets     "@MainBundle/Resources/public/colorbox/colorbox.css"     "%kerner.root_dir%/Resources/css/main.css" %} <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="{{ asset_url }}" /> {% endstylesheets %} 

You can write path to css as parameter (%parameter_name%).

More about this variant: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/assetic/asset_management.html

like image 25
ZhukV Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09
